

The other day I made a discovery under Logan's crib- he has been hording binkies! I found 3 under there. Between the lost binkies & waking up to "My chubby legs/feet/hands are stuck in the crib" screams, I was ready when Josh suggested we get some bumpers. Then I was at Target and these ones happened to be on clearance- score! Only $14 each! Now that we are past the highest SIDS risk (under 4 months of age), I think it will be really nice to have the bumpers in there. And aren't they adorable?


Beckster said...

Great deal and they are too cute! :o)

The Adventures of Carrie, Brook, Finn and Reid said...

Those are super cute!

We did not transition our boys to their cribs until 6 months, as they slept in the co-sleeper attached to our bed. It was at this time that the AAP came out with their 'no bumper' recommendation. Honestly, I don't think they would be sleeping through the night at this point if we had followed their guidelines. They serve so many purposes!

My boys are nearly 2 and I see our 'bumper' relationship lasting until they switch to toddler beds!

Happy 7 months!