


Today the boys are 38 weeks. That means they have been on the earth longer than they were inside me. I often look back into my pregnancy journal to see what I was up to & feeling this same time last year.
I was 23 weeks pregnant & the news of twins was settling into our brains. I no longer woke up in the middle of the night thinking, "Two?!?!" We had returned our single crib in exchange for two cheaper, smaller cribs that would better suit the needs of two infants. I could finally feel the boys moving around inside my ever expanding belly & it comforted me everyday to monitor their movements & know that they were alive & kicking... literally!

If I peek ahead to next week things began to go downhill quick. I had my first gallbladder attack & was restricted to 10 grams of fat or less a day. Nutrition for the boys was in the forefront of my mind & I constantly obsessed over eating enough dairy, protein, fruits & vegetables. What I mostly remember eating are pretzels. They were fat free, so I could eat as many as I pleased.

Doctors were concerned that if the attacks continued, the stress would send me into pre-term labor. 24 weeks is the age a viability. They would have had a 50/50 chance. Very scary. We did lots of praying during this time.

It is so amazing (and such a blessing) for me to be able to look back at what I accomplished. To look at how I felt, the concerns I had, and the way that God took care of every detail.
Somehow, even with only ten grams of fat a day, He grew two beautiful, healthy boys in my belly. Somehow, even when I felt that the contractions would never subside, He got me through to 37 weeks gestation. Somehow, though I feared surgery, He helped me accept the c-section as the best choice for myself & my unborn children. His hand was in it all.

Every night, before I crawl into my own bed, I sneak once more into the nursery. I put my hand on Jack's tummy as it moves ever so surely up and down and whisper a prayer, "Lord Jesus, watch over Jack tonight & keep him safe and healthy. Please wake me up if he needs me. Thank you so much for the blessing that he is in my life." Then I
walk over to Logan's crib, place my hand on his back and pray, "Lord Jesus, Please keep Logan safe & healthy tonight. Wake me up if he needs me and thank you for the amazing blessing that he is in my life. Amen."

Then, and only then, am I able to go to sleep with my babies in that room all by themselves. I just picture God's hands wrapped around them both as they sleep. Night time is the most precious time with them. It's the time when I can take a minute to breathe & appreciate them & the miracle that they are. I love i



playing on the floor.

One smiled big & giggled some more.

Mommy coaxed the other to give her a grin,

Then he looked cute, just like his twin!



5:48am- Wake up. Did I hear a baby? No. Wait, yes. Go in, give Jack his binky & lovey, turn on the music and contemplate whether or not it's worth getting back into bed. The house is freezing- Definitely climbing back into my warm bed.
6:00am- Alarm goes off. Such a rude noise. SNOOZE.
6:09am- I am really getting up this time. Or not. SNOOZE.
6:18am- I'm up! I'm up! Shutting off the alarm.
6:22am- Checking my blog (as I often obsessively do) to see if anyone has left comments.
6:28am- The boys are awake & making noises. Turn on their bedroom light to let them play in their beds while I shower.
6:35am-Shower was definitely NOT long enough, but I'm afraid the boys are waking up the neighbors.
6:40am- Get dressed in the nursery while singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo". That naughty little bunny. Then make up, jewelry, blowdry. Bring Logan into the bathroom. Curl my hair.
6:58am-Hooray! Mommy's ready! Wake up Daddy & begin feeding bubs.
7:40am- Have packed up everything for a day at Nanny's house, put my lunch together, changed two diapers, dressed two babies, washed bottles, ran a load of laundry & unloaded the dishwasher.
7:45am- Kiss my husband. Take off for Nanny's house.
8:02am-Crap! It's POURING! Decide it's best to carry BOTH babies into my mom's house at once, instead of one then the other. Pray that Nanny answers the door quickly as the boys weigh about forty pounds total.
8:19am- Baby free & trying not to be depressed that the weekend went so fast I listen to Jason Mraz as I drive to work... "I'm Yours"...
8:45am- Morning meeting at work. Can't believe we're back at it already!
9:21am- Eat oatmeal with the kids in the cafeteria. Didn't have time for breakfast at home.
11:37am- Lisa goes on break. Oh, this is impossible without her. Send the kids in intervals to the timeout chair for various misbehaviors. Say, "Stop giving me dirty looks" more than once.
12:15pm- Talk to Scott at recess (who works at our school & is a fellow twin parent) about the insanity of two babies. He makes me feel lucky that I am past the feedings round the clock stage.
1:00pm- Lunch break! Hooray! Read "Multiple Blessings" by Jon & Kate Gosselin. Gives me hope that if they can raise six infants, Josh & I can raise two!
2:45pm- Take my kids to kindergarten for their mainstream time. Tell them we don't eat toys in kindergarten.
3:20pm- Take the kids back to class. Ten more minutes... I can do this!
3:32pm- On the road to mom's house to get my bubba's.
3:41pm- Walk into mom's house. Jack lights up and reaches for me. I LOVE him! Get the lowdown on naps, feeding & poop (wahoo!) and put on coats & hats.
4:01pm- Load the kids up.
4:15pm- Get home & Daddy comes out to help me unload the car & the boys.
4:35pm- On hold with DSHS finding out why the boys' health insurance cards didn't come. Super-Daddy is making us dinner (Salmon, corn & potatoes- yum!) while feeding the boys. I LOVE him!
4:42pm- Done on the phone, scarfing my dinner so that when Josh leaves I will be done eating!
5:07pm- Finished eating & cleaning up the kitchen. Time to change diapers.
5:17pm- Logan's turn. Jack is changed & playing. Slip & say a swear word when I pull down Logan's pants to discover a lovely muddy looking surprise that has leaked both UP his back and DOWN his right leg. Oh, God. It's EVERYWHERE. The changing table is DISGUSTING. Trying to get the covered onesie off his head without getting any on his face proves difficult. Instead I smear it all over his arm. I am laughing hysterically at this point.
5:36pm- Logan is clean. I LOVE him! Call my mom. How do you go about washing it all???
5:42pm- Laundry is running. Thank God for mothers.
6:23pm- Give the boys my old Readers Digest to play with, seeing as they have ZERO interest in any of their own toys.
7:31pm- Baby Einstein is almost over. Must finish up my blog quick before it ends.

At 8:00pm I will change them, feed them & lay them down. Then I will go to bed for some MUCH NEEDED REST.

Being a working mom is plain exhausting!



Well, in my opinion this happened far too quickly! Logan & Jack are both crawling and pulling up. Which means they are into EVERYTHING! So we have been baby proofing all week. Moving wires, no-no's, and books away from baby accessibility. Today we went to Home Depot & got a baby gate to block the cat box which is down the hallway. No kitty litter for you, Jack!
On Friday morning I was making bottles & he came to visit me in the kitchen. Next thing I know, I look over and he's poured out the cat water all over the floor and is laying in it. He was soaked!
Tonight we put the child safety locks on the computer armoire and microwave cart. I can attest that THEY WORK! After seven minutes of TWO ADULTS pushing, pulling & sweating it out, we got it open. I told Josh I am not too stoked about locking it up again. What a pain!


Today the boys' great grandparents (my dads' parents) came to visit. We sure missed them while they were away on vacation in Arizona!

Here's Jack with Great Grandpa Jerry

Just checking him out...

And here's Great Grandma Pansy with Logan

And with Jack

We love her!

She read Snuggle Puppy & Goodnight Moon with Jack.

Is he adorable or what?

The boys were so good while they visited.

Here's grandma in her birthday vest from my parents. So cute!

Logan is grandma's present!

And what a gift he is!



i love him so much!


Thought I would give you all an update on how I am doing. I am happy to report that things are much better. I've been standing up for myself, which is helping with the anxiety at work. My family & friends have been really supportive as well, which is helping me figure out balancing all of this. Work, the boys, the house, my marriage... Thank you to all of you who have listened, offered advice, washed a bottle or held a baby. I love you & can't thank you enough for your help!
I was worried I wasn't going to make it to that March appointment, but things are looking up already. The boys are sleeping through the night most nights, and that makes everything better. Sleep is truly priceless! They are getting to be really fun- crawling & pulling up on things. They also get super excited when they see me, which makes me feel really good.
As you can see on the recent posts, we are enjoying our bath time, and I am really looking forward to the summer. Staying home with Josh will be so much fun! We are planning to do swim classes with the boys, go to the zoo, walk the waterfront & just have lots of much needed family time.
I decided to add on a picture I took of Logan & Jack tonight. This is Jack "hugging" Logan. (Or just smashing his face into Logan's backside, depending on how you look at it.) He coos when he does it & Logan laughs. It's so precious!


"You coming, mom?"

"Okay, see you later!"


Don't walk in front of me,
I may not follow;

Don't walk behind me,
I may not lead;

Just walk beside me

and be my friend.


Perhaps Auntie Roxanne has found her calling. These hairstyles are just killer on the boys!

I love the "Laydown Mohawk" on Logan.

And Jack's "Einstein Smarty Pants" hairdo is fabulous!

If we continue to style his hair this way, he could be reading by next week!

P.S. I know that I continually post pictures of bath time. It is my favorite time of day because it means I have survived another day with two 8 month olds! I also love bath time because it is so much fun- splashing, laughing & chewing on toys. Plus they are just so squishable afterwards. Clean, smelling yummy & ready for their night time bottle & snuggle. My favorite!


Logan has been working on his second bottom tooth, so he can catch up with Jack's two teeth, of course! And the drool from said tooth has been UNBELIEVABLE!!! He worked through three bibs in ONE HOUR today at Hanna Andersson with my mom & sister.


They are getting so big! This morning they were playing together on the outside of their bouncy seat. They like to play with it at this angle now! So funny!


The boys' Aunt Andrea came over yesterday & was playing with her new camera, snapping shots of the boys. This is one that she liked. I can't wait for her to do their nine month photos!



My dad's brother, Steve, is in town today from Texas.
Here he is with Jack.

Logan & Aunt Roxanne

Papa Barry, Logan, Jack & Great Uncle Steve

We all got together at my mom's house to have dinner & catch up with Steve while he is in town. We missed Great Aunt Kathy, though!

Hooray for piggies!