
what I'm loving

I am loving (!) this sign my friend Melissa made and sent me (along with Scentsy, teddy grahams, and some books) in a care package.  I hung it above my laundry room off the kitchen, where it can point east.  Every time I look at it, it makes me sad, but in a happy way. Or maybe it makes me happy, but in a sad way. Whatever it is, I love it. It makes me smile.

I am loving Jack getting our room "ready for bed" for us.  He pulls the sheets back and fluffs our pillows. It is so sweet & thoughtful.

I am loving how much our Super Wy loves Super Why.  He carries him around, thinks his cape is a backpack and calls him "Supah-guys". It's pretty much the most adorable thing ever.

 I am loving that our neighbor Howie was so proud of his most recent catch that he knocked on our door and invited the boys and I pop out and see.  Can you believe it? It's a Sheefish and he said it probably weighs at least 25 pounds.  Holy cow!

 I am loving that my mom sent me Swedish meatball spice packets so I can make this delicious meal.  It's such a comfort food and reminds me of my childhood.

I am loving my identical twins acting identical.  Their hands in this picture; their drawings where peoples legs come out of their chins; and their request to wear shorts at bedtime. Every night.

I am also loving their bedtime prayers.  I say "What are you thankful for tonight, Logan?" And he will launch into a prayer like this, "Dear God, thank you for my warm, cozy house. Thank you for keeping me safe. Thank you for Daddy feeling better. Thank you for  Daddy beating my Angry Bird levels for me.  Thank you for the delicious dinner. I hope that tomorrow I can play outside. And wrestle with Daddy. In Jesus Christ, Amen." 

And then Wyatt, who toddles around the bedroom while the boys pray, says, "Amen! Amen! Amen!" until the other brother starts to pray.  It's such a precious time in our house, and I love to hear the things that the twins are grateful for. 

I am loving the new recipes I've been trying.  This one is plain pancake batter with a little cocoa dropped in, topped with Nutella instead of syrup. Holy delicious!

I am loving what a sweet, caring big brother Jack is. He will pull Wyatt up on the couch to snuggle with him; help him find toys to play with; and read him stories when Wyatt asks.  Melts my lil' mama heart!

I am loving trying new things with my bread dough.

This week I tried to make raisin bread.
I rolled it out,
slathered on some butter, cinnamon, brown sugar & raisins,
rolled it back up and stuffed it into the bread pan.


I am loving the beautiful things the wind does to the snow. 
Piles here, designs there.

I am loving this little one's oh-so-sad hungry whimper.  
He's so stinking cute.

I am loving all three boys rotating turns watching Daddy's homemade macaroni & cheese (topped with Goldfish crumbs) bake in the oven.  It is their favorite meal, hands down, and we have it every Sunday.  Monday morning, as soon as their eyes pop open they are making sure I plan on serving the leftovers for lunch.

I am also loving that I am feeling better, happier.  {hallelujah!}
I am loving that the sun is rising earlier and setting later.  {9:43am & 6:22pm}
I am loving the books I've been reading (The Light Between Oceans, Hunger Games series, Signs of Life)
and the books on my nightstand waiting to be read (Mandy, She's Come Undone, The Temple Dancer)
I am loving that it's Monday night, so Biggest Loser will be on. {Go Danni!}
And I am loving that there are only thirteen Mondays until we go home!!! {THIRTEEN?!?}


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Julie said...

I am on board with the mac and cheese excitement. I'm hoping Josh will make me some this summer! Logan and Jack with their arms on their head, so cute! Poor getting skinny Wyatt, such a little doll! I LOVE the sign. I want one that says Marshall 2836. Super awesome!

Rox said...

I totally love the sign! How thoughtful.

Tiffanie King said...

That bread looks so yummy!