

Week 39 Around Here {2019}

{Rock Paper Scissors at the vet with Jack}

Painting... two of our three bathrooms on Saturday while Josh had the kids at the land with his parents and brother.  I started with the downstairs bathroom which had been a color called pumpkin marshmallow.  I painted it a soothing green-ish color called Breezeway by Behr, and I love the result.  When we paint the trim, it's going to look really sharp in there.
Then I moved on to our master bedroom, which I painted Chic Grey (also by Behr) which is the same color as our entire downstairs and my master bedroom.  It looks SO good in there, and I am super pleased that I took the time to do those two rooms.  All I have left to paint is Carly's room and the kids' bathroom.  Fingers crossed I can get to them before we host Thanksgiving!

Entertaining... Carly while I painted with the cheapest Amazon entertainment out there.  These water beads are the coolest (all three boys also played with them when they got home) and Carly played independently with them for hours. It's only $5.99 for a bag FULL of rainbow colored tiny beads, and I used maybe 1/5 of what I have to fill that gallon bag with water beads. The directions are super easy (1 tsp of beads to 3 cups of water, I believe) and they continue to grow over an 8 hour period.

Reading... The Bell Jar with @thebooklyclub.  I listened to it on audio, per @katharinescriv's recommendation, and loved it.  Maggie Gyllenhaal reads it, and it's just so perfect. When I finished that (while painting our two bathrooms Saturday) I started The Great Believers, which is not at all about what I thought it would be about, but reminds me of Tell The Wolves I'm Home, and I am loving it.
I am also still working my way through The Most Fun We Ever Had, and making a plan for finishing Eden's Outcasts in time for book club (20 pages a day and I should make it!) and reading Fahrenheit 451 which I am supposed to do for a Buddy Read in September. So much reading, so little time!

Laughing... as a friend surprised me with a light timer so that when she drives by my house, my porch lights won't be on 24/7.  Oh Megan, I love you, you thoughtful thing!!!

Enjoying... movie night with the kids on Saturday after they worked at the land and I painted.  It was nice to take a minute and make them pizza and cookies and reconnect after a day apart.

Hosting... Josh's parents (Carol and Carl) for dinner Sunday after a crazy afternoon in the garden.  We had been out there, discussing what we didn't need/what Carol wanted from our gardening area, when Josh accidentally disturbed a ground wasp nest.  Carly, Logan and Carol ended up getting stung and two wasps even got into the house! Josh was the hero of the hour, killing the wasps that got inside, and killing the hive as well.  Whew!  What an adventure!!!  Poor Carly was so traumatized by the whole thing, she ended up falling asleep on the couch after her sting, which she kept calling a zit.  Thankfully no one was allergic.

Deciding... on new chores for the new house now that we are in our regular routine again after the move.  We've got a good rotation set up, and I think we are set up for success (and a clean house!) which is win/win if you ask me.

Blogging... to get myself caught up and hoping to stay that way now that life is back to normal.  The house is almost entirely unpacked (with only my craft stuff left to unpack) and the boys are definitely back in the school routine in the mornings and afternoons, which is such a blessing.

Eating... healthy dinners all together at the table again now that life is in a routine.  It feels really good to meal plan and grocery shop and cook for my family again.

Missing... Wyatt's dental appointment completely on Tuesday morning when it just slipped my mind and I sent him off on the bus to school.  Whoops.  Old Shelly would have called that a #momfail, but new Shelly calls that #beinghuman and I gave myself a bunch of grace about it.
Like my friend Emilia said, "Perfection is not required."
Thank God.

Writing... lists about Wyatt after worrying about him following his last cold.  He's been having headaches after school and at bedtime, and I've been wondering why & trying to narrow it down.  As my worry was just amping up, I got called to come in for an empty appointment slot to see the pulmonologist on Wednesday.  I was thrilled. They had called to cancel our last one after his doctor went on medical leave, so this was good news.
I came to the appointment with a lot of questions for this new, different pulmonologist, and she.was.amazing.  While his heart and lungs sound good, his headaches are concerning so we are going to switch his current preventative med to a different one (which scares me!) that is less likely to cause headaches.  Hopefully it will be as effective as the old one was at keeping him out the ER.  We also decided we will be doing a third sleep study, but this time at the children's hospital because she suspects he might have something called ROHHAD that can cause slower breathing/breathing issues while you sleep. We will also be doing multiple labs including a vitamin D test and thyroid tests to check his thyroid function.
When she looked in his ears she saw some odd things in his left ear, so we have to make a follow up with his primary care doc to get that flushed and checked out.  She thinks it's just sand, but we want to be sure. She also informed me that I had been doing his nebulizer wrong this whole time- I should have been doing his albuterol alone in the machine first to open his lungs, and then I should have been doing the budesonide (the inhaled steroid), so that the steroid would go deeper into the already-opened lungs.

But by far the scariest thing we talked about was the possibility that Wyatt's symptoms are caused by Cystic Fibrosis. His previous pulmonologist had mentioned CF as a possible diagnosis when he was in the PICU, and again last year, but never followed up with any testing.
When I mentioned this to the doctor we saw Wednesday, she agreed that when she sees a kid with asthma of his severity without any other symptoms (allergies, eczema) it sets off a red flag for her.  So following his appointment, a sweat test was scheduled for Monday (September 30th) in Spokane.  From there, we should know more.
I am trying to stay calm, but I have vacillated wildly between thinking for sure he has it, and thinking there's no way he does. 
It's exhausting. 
I'm exhausted. 

Thankfully Josh took the day off work and will accompany Wyatt and I to his appointment (which is over an hour from home) so I won't have to be alone.  Wyatt knows we are testing him to see if we can find the cause of his asthma, but that's the extent of what he knows.

If you're the praying type, we would sure appreciate your prayers for safe travel Monday (tomorrow) and a peaceful day together seeking these results.  Knowing our village is behind us means so much.

Making... salads for Josh's lunch everyday.  Our deal is I make his salad and he makes the bed.  It's a small kindness we each do for each other to start our days, and it never fails to make me smile when I walk into our bedroom to get dressed and see our bed made.  What a great way to start my day.  With an act of love.

Loving... the roses Josh bought me that just keep growing more beautiful. I'm going to be so sad when I have to toss them!

Driving... Ramona to the vet (she still has a bladder infection that isn't getting better. boo!) and Jack to the orthodontist all the same morning. It was a bit hectic, but we made it everywhere on time.

Boiling... eggs that my family is eating by the dozen.  It's such a great source of protein, so I hard boil 30 eggs at a time and they eat them like nobody's business!

Walking... for the first time in my new neighborhood after Wyatt's pulmonology appointment Wednesday.  I walked away from that appointment overwhelmed BIG TIME, and the walk helped me to clear my head and get some exercise, which I know helps me sleep, which I know helps keep my anxiety at bay.  Our new neighborhood is gorgeous and that walk made me excited (yet again) that we live here.  Feeling so, so blessed.

Enjoying... my day off on Thursday by unpacking and working through a migraine.  Normally I nap on Thursdays, but with my migraine the best thing to do was stay busy, so I unpacked our entire room (Josh had brought more boxes from storage that had my books in them- swoon- he knows the way to my heart) and got things a little more under control around here.

Finding... that taking care of Wyatt and his diagnoses and follow up appointments is turning into a full time job.  Between making appointments and calling doctors and pharmacies and getting his blood drawn and his flu shot... this kid isn't giving me a moment's rest this week. It makes me especially grateful that Logan is doing so well right now. (In November he will have been seizure free for a year!)

Lighting... candles in an effort to embrace fall.  I am also doing lots of reading and have allowed myself to go back to drinking one cup of coffee each morning, which is making waking up a little sweeter.  (I'm also clearing the kitchen table to eat in peace, even if the kitchen looks RIDICULOUSLY MESSY right next to me. haha!) What are you doing to love fall? I would love to hear it.

Showing... the twins the "rural Alaska" posts on the blog (by typing Rural Alaska into the search bar on the top right) and loving their reactions to different memories.  They had so many questions, and those pictures of that time in our life are so much fun to look back on.

Thankful... for sunrises and sunsets that remind me of God and how much bigger he is than everything else.

"I hope you remember
the times you bravely
chose to love. I hope
you remember that
when times were hard,
you found courage
to not give up."

Gah. So good. 

While we await Wyatt's test results, 
I will bravely choose to love 
and I will have the courage to not give up. 

In the meantime, your prayers would mean the world. 



Week 38 Around Here {2019}

Watching... Sweet Home Sextuplets and Risking It All, which are both really entertaining and I can watch with my kids (unlike The Handmaid's Tale- ha!). The boys really enjoy Risking It All, which is about families who sell everything they own to try their hand at living off the grid. 

Worrying... about Carly as she bonked her front teeth on her baby stroller, knocking them a bit loose and cutting her gums.  I was able to text a picture to her dentist's office and they assured me that she would be okay (and what to look for, just in case), which helped me relax a little bit.  But she did require cold, wet washcloths for most of the afternoon, poor girl.

Loving... our new house more everyday.  As we continue to settle in, unpacking more boxes and doing more decorating, I just love every nook and cranny more.  It's crazy to me how much it already feels like home.

Reading... Searching for Sylvie Lee on audio and The Most Fun We Ever Had.  I am loving The Most Fun We Ever Had.  It reminds me of This Is How It Always Is- every page has a small truth about what life is like with children and husbands and family... I can't get enough.
I also read Wyatt's second grade journal (finally) and loved the page he had written about being lucky.  If anything, we are lucky to have him.  That, I'm sure of.

"Vrooming"... our groceries into the house with Carly's baby stroller.  I asked for her help unloading them from the car and she asked if she could "vroom" them in.  Haha! I said yes, and it was the right answer! Sister brought in so many groceries!!!  #besthelper

Giving up... the Walmart grocery pick up.  I had been using it since late July or early August, but after multiple disappointments, and having to run to the grocery store myself anyway to get things they don't carry at Walmart, I found it just wasn't worth it.
Their produce isn't great, and their substitutions never make any sense (they didn't have sliced black olives, so they gave me green olives.  But wouldn't whole black olives make more sense? -for example).  I'm sad for the time lost to the grocery store, but it's a necessary evil.

Crying... {literally} as I drove past the emptied water park the other day and it hit me that summer is really, truly over.  I am trying to accept that fall is approaching (less than two weeks now), but I'm having a hard time.  Maybe I'll try to make a fall bucket list??? (Any ideas, friends?)

Signing... all three boys up for wrestling, which is exciting!  They've never wrestled before, but we think they'll be great, and the exercise will be really good for them. 

Laughing... at how Carly says, "Oh nothing" when I ask her what she's up to lately.  (Whenever she says that, I come a-running to see what kind of "nothing" she's up to.  Hahah!) And loving how she simply must hug & kiss all her guys goodbye everyday.  First it's Daddy, as he leaves for work; then the twins, as they leave on their bikes out the garage; then it's Wyatt, as he walks to the bus stop.  She hugs each of them, and kisses their bellies, wherever her lips hit 'em, and then runs back to her toys.
Her favorite way to end the morning is to wave goodbye to Wyatt's bus as it drives away.  So a few times a week we try to get out there to wave at it.

Taking... all three boys to the orthodontist for check ups and reprimanding Logan for cutting his wire on his own in the garage with Josh's wire cutters. Sigh. This kid.

Visiting... the vet with Ramona, who, it turns out, has a bladder infection.  We got some medication that she's been really good about taking and I'm praying she gets well quick. 

Buying... Logan a new medical bracelet (from Etsy- super cool and super cheap) after he lost his last one at the pool this summer.  I remember when I ordered his first bracelet that said "Epilepsy", it required a level of acceptance that I hadn't previously come to.  Ordering it this time was no big deal.  It's nice to be in this place with it.

Learning... how to properly breathe from Carly, who was teaching her frog how in the bath tub.  "Inhale... Outhale... Inhale... Outhale..." she said to him, over and over.  We decided that in our household we shall never say "exhale" again.  Outhale just make so much more sense.

