

Around Here: Week 2 2022

 {January 9-15th}

{Elephant by Carly}

Thinking... how much work teachers put into their students as I volunteered in Carly's classroom to help with reading groups while their staff assistant was out sick.  It was so challenging to understand these tiny kindergartners as they wore their masks, fidgeting in their seats, trying to read the words I presented.  Heroes, the whole lot of them, those teachers. 

Feeling... happy to get Piper another shot for Parvo and have her weighed.  She is weighing 12 pounds now and was such a good girl at the vet. Just a few more shots and she will be able to go out of our house/yard safely.

Doing... a little playdate with my sister and two of her littles midweek.  It was so sweet, the chance to love on Romy and Royal, and to visit with my sister. 

Mommin'... this week taking care of Logan as he was home sick for so many days. When he was still sick on Thursday I decided to take him in to get tested for COVID. His test came back negative, but I also got myself tested because I was suddenly so exhausted Wednesday.  My rapid test was negative, but the doctor wanted to do a long test, so they took two samples (fun!) and said I would hear back in a few days. 

Learning... how to French braid Carly's hair.  It doesn't look real pretty yet, but it's getting there. 

Reading... A Long Walk to Water to the boys as it's finally my turn to read to them! Josh finished their most recent Harry Potter so I have a turn now.  A Long Walk to Water is a really good book about war torn Sudan, and reading about the challenges the two main characters (both aged 11) had to face was a good reality check for all of us!

Watching... Spiderman: No Way Home with Wyatt in the theater when he asked to spend the money he had saved on a ticket.  I said yes, paid for my own ticket, and also bought us treats.  It was really special and I love that he asked. 

Laughing... in utter disbelief as the doctor called me to say my COVID PCR test was positive. I immediately tested Carly & Wyatt, who both had runny noses, and they were positive as well. So we had to cancel plans for the weekend (including two birthday parties) and do the best we could to take care of each other and get well. 

Changing... from allowing screens in the afternoons to doing screens in the mornings.  The boys wake up motivated to get ready for school so they can game for a little before they go, and then in the afternoons they spend time doing homework and playing outside. It's definitely been better for me.
We are also playing a lot of games together as a family.  Especially Cards Against Maturity, which is like Cards Against Humanity but for teenagers. (Specifically boys) Our three love it, and we laugh so hard together when we play. 

Struggling... with raising a puppy.  She's having lots of accidents, and we're still taking turns sleeping on the couch with her. Hoping she will be crate trained soon so we can get some sleep!  On a positive note, her little folded over ears are the cutest thing I have ever seen.  My sister said they look like a bow on top of her head. 

Crossing... substitute training off the list and getting one step closer to subbing at the kids' school.  

Loving... how Carly's play set ups remind me of real life. The dishes in the sink cracked me up, and the mom in her room reading with the dog reminded me of a mom I know. Ha! 

Grateful... that even though the three of us have COVID, none of our symptoms are scary and my anxiety has stayed completely in check thus far. Fingers crossed this stays the case. 
