


Last night I saw each and every hour that passed by on the EVIL red clock in my bedroom.
Cries at 11:35pm (Logan), 12:27am (L), 1:15am (L), 2:37am (L), 3:13am (Both), 4:23am (Jack), 5:24am (J), 6:15am (J),
6:40am (J)...

And finally at 6:51am I gave up.
We got up and had bottles.

I think it is teething, but what if it's not? What if this is just some new trend the boys cooked up to see how long I could last? Let me tell you: Not long! I have already cried twice today, and I haven't even been awake two hours yet.

What kills me is that even if only one of them had woken up, I'd have still been up four times! I often take solace in the fact that if there were only one, I would have slept all night (on the nights that one of them sleeps straight through). Last night there were no such thoughts.

Only prayers for sleep. And for this to be over by the time I have to go back to work and function like a real human being with a shower & clear eyesight.

And, of course, now that I have fed them each their bottles & their bellies are full, they are exhausted. Ready for their morning nap. I just cross my fingers that it's a long one and that I can put all my anxieties to rest long enough for me to catch some sleep as well.

If not... it's going to be one long day.



Today was again Josh's turn to get up with the boys.
He snapped these pics of them in their new jammies from Aunt Christine.
Jack on the left & Logan on the right


Two days ago on Josh's morning with the boys (we trade off so one of us can sleep in while the other takes care of the boys) he had finished feeding them their rice & fruit and was giving Logan his bottle when Jack (while waiting his turn) fell asleep in his high chair.



Those are straight A's...
Just like Josh got for his second semester in a row.

He's also on the President's Honor Roll.

I am so proud of him!



She loves me so much!

I make her smile.

We're best buds!


Our poor bubba's have been teething. This has made for some long nights; poor naps; cranky boys and grouchy parents! Tonight we were trying everything to cheer the boys up. Josh put Logan on his shoulders & it seemed to do the trick! How adorable!


We always set the boys down for floor time on opposite sides of the living room because when they are together they roll over, kick & pull at each other. But no matter how far apart we put them, they seem to end up together.
While we were busy "taking down Christmas" (the tree, etc.) the boys managed to travel across the room & meet in the middle. We caught them looking at their photo book together.
If I hadn't witnessed it myself, I wouldn't have believed it!


These pictures are hilarious!

We went to the doctor yesterday & she said we could introduce a few new foods to the boys, including these Gerber puff stars. The boys weren't impressed. But it was wonderful entertainment to capture these faces on film!

The boys are doing great on growth.
Jack is in the 50th percentile (right on for his age) in height & weight, which is incredible for a twin. He is 26 3/4" long & weighs 18 lbs. 14 oz.
And Logan is in the 25th percentile in height & weight, which is incredible for how tiny he was at birth. (4 lbs. 6 oz.) He is 25 1/4" long & weighs 16 lbs. 12 oz.
They are maintaining that two pound size difference that was present at birth. You can really feel it when you hold them! (Or look at Jack's chubby thighs!)


Jack & Blake- reunited at last!

We missed you, Uncle Blake!

Logan loves his Aunt Roxanne.

Love, love, love!

Jack giving Nanny his best squishes.

We love our Auntie Roxanne & our Uncle Blake!

Roxanne & Blake helping the boys' open their gifts.

It looks like Logan IS the present!

A Jack in the Box?
You've got to be kidding me, Papa.

Lily helping Jack & I open our gift.

My brother Dalton with Jack & Adam (my brother's best friend) with Logan.

Our family

What a great Christmas we had this year!


Merry Christmas!
Santa's newest elves:
Jack, Gustav & Logan

Gustav signing "tree" with his daddy, Taylor

Jack & Aunt Julie

Jack & mommy opening presents

Daddy & Logan opening presents

Yay for books!

And more books!

Our happy little family

He's loving Christmas!

Mariah reading to Isaac... so sweet!

Papa loves Jack!

Rebecca holding Logan Bogans

Logan was helping Papa open presents...

with his mouth!

Alvin & Jack-Jack


Before I woke up, Josh plugged in the tree lights, made me hot cocoa and turned on my favorite Christmas music. It was a great way to put me in the holiday spirit.
Then we woke up our sweet, squishy bubs (better gifts than Santa could ever leave under the tree) and we opened a few presents.

Then it was time for our Official Christmas Jammies
to wear to Grandma & Grandpa Cunningham's house.




Daddy recording the boys' first Christmas Eve with Logan on his lap.

The boys' cousin, Isaiah, got them each a gift.
Logan LOVED his truck!

And Jack wanted to eat his donut stackers!

They just looked so colorful & yummy!

Logan watched us drive his truck over and over and over.