


Last night I saw each and every hour that passed by on the EVIL red clock in my bedroom.
Cries at 11:35pm (Logan), 12:27am (L), 1:15am (L), 2:37am (L), 3:13am (Both), 4:23am (Jack), 5:24am (J), 6:15am (J),
6:40am (J)...

And finally at 6:51am I gave up.
We got up and had bottles.

I think it is teething, but what if it's not? What if this is just some new trend the boys cooked up to see how long I could last? Let me tell you: Not long! I have already cried twice today, and I haven't even been awake two hours yet.

What kills me is that even if only one of them had woken up, I'd have still been up four times! I often take solace in the fact that if there were only one, I would have slept all night (on the nights that one of them sleeps straight through). Last night there were no such thoughts.

Only prayers for sleep. And for this to be over by the time I have to go back to work and function like a real human being with a shower & clear eyesight.

And, of course, now that I have fed them each their bottles & their bellies are full, they are exhausted. Ready for their morning nap. I just cross my fingers that it's a long one and that I can put all my anxieties to rest long enough for me to catch some sleep as well.

If not... it's going to be one long day.


  1. I'm going through the same thing but we haven't even been going to bed until 4am! I'm SOOO exhausted! I don't know if it's teething/molars here though because he has all his teeth. Ugh. :(

    Here's to hoping the new years brings some 8 hour nights....

  2. I am so sorry! I hope it will get better asap.

    Sometimes my son Gustav goes through a few phases. It's frustrating!

  3. Hang in there! HUGS! Its probably teething or growth spurt. We are dealing our toddlers being on nap time/bedtime strike plus molars....oh oy! Your boys are adorable. Look at that blue eyes!


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