

farewell, margilo

Last week the cats in our house were making us NUTS! They were meowing at the boys' door, waking them up at night, and fighting like, well, cats & dogs. It was getting ugly.
My mother-in-law graciously agreed to take Margilo into her house. My sister-in-law Christine agreed to take Sukie. We have settled Margilo in at Carol's house and now Sukie's behavior is 100% improved. So I am still contemplating whether or not I want to let her go. I don't want to make any rash decisions now that I am having second thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. That was a hard choice for you, I'm sure. I'm glad she went to Carol, someone you love and trust. And you can still see her and hear how she's doing!
    As for Sukie, I think you're smart to give it some time and see how she does by herself!


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