

our tree

This is our Christmas tree this year. You can see that it is conveniently located between the couch & my scrapbook table so as to keep our climbing toddlers at arms length!

These are my favorite ornaments- the boys' first Christmas ornaments from last year. Yesterday Jack was sitting on the couch looking at all the ornaments and he was signing "sleep" to this ornament.

Or so I thought.
I was mistaken and soon realized that this was the ornament he was signing "sleep" to. This is a sculpture that was made {of me} for my parents when I was born. And sure enough, the sweet lil' girl is sleeping away.

This is another noteworthy ornament that was a {priceless} gift from my sister-in-law Julie. This is Josh & I with the boys our first Christmas. She had it made for us. And it is just beautiful.

And of course our "wedding" ornament from my Aunt Barbara holds a place in my heart as well.

My favorite time to look at the tree is at night, right before I go to bed. I will sit in the dark room, often with Josh and enjoy the sparkle of the tree. Reminds me of when I was little and my dad would leave them on until after I was in bed.
Holiday joy

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