


I have been told many times in the last few weeks that I don't give myself enough credit for what I do, or that I'm supermom. I have to say that while before I disagreed with that statement, I now believe it wholeheartedly.
I do everything. (This is not to say Josh doesn't help, but most of the household responsibilities are still on me since he is in school.) Here's what I mean:
{my day}
6:00am- The alarm clock rings and Josh gets in the shower. I go in the nursery where the boys are inevitably awake, even though they are supposed to sleep another hour.
I watch them while Josh showers, make the bed, throw our lunches together and then get in the shower myself. Once I am out of the shower I get dressed, get the boys in their high chairs, get them some food, try to blow dry my hair while they eat, get them down, give Jack his medicine for his ear infection, turn on Baby Einstein and try to put my make up on.
Brush my teeth, tidy up the boys room, and bring out their clothes. Start to change diapers and dress babies & my mother-in-law shows up (if it's her day.)
8:20am- Kiss each baby at least fifteen times, and head out the door.
Drive to work, thinking of what, if anything, needs to be done on my break that day.

8:40am- Show up at work, put away my lunch, visit with coworkers on the way to my morning meeting.
Listen for fifteen minutes to anything I have been doing wrong/could do better at my job, head out to pick up the kids off the bus, and take them to breakfast. Cut up pancakes, open milk boxes, instruct kids to wipe their mouths 47 times, send them to the bathroom, make sure they actually go, make sure they actually wash their hands, and make sure they get their pants buttoned.
9:30- Take a morning break. Make some appointments, call to haggle over some bills and maybe sneak in a snack.
9:45- Back to the classroom. Juggle three special needs kids in my group; doing reading, handwriting and math. No, you have to count "4, 5, 6..." not "4, 5,7..." My patience wears thin.
11:00- Work my tail off when my co-worker goes on her break and I take over her group.
12:00- Finally kids lunch and recess- a break from the insanity of work time with that many kids.
1:00- My lunch: Sit. Eat. Read.
While at work it's my job to remember EVERYTHING. Luckily my home life has trained me for this. However, I have to say that lately my memory is not what it used to be (have you heard the stroller story yet?). And I forget. A LOT. At work I have to remember handouts, assignments, kids' schedules, to send them potty, what time recess is, who went where... it is so much.

3:45pm- Back at home {finally!} with my kids. One of the two of them tends to tantrum as Carol is leaving the house. I think the transition in power is hard for them, and they are mad that I left them. Some people disagree with this, but it's how I feel.
By 5pm Josh is home and we just try to spend some time playing with the kids. We also feed them dinner, then we begin the bedtime routine.
Baths (play, wash, rinse, and repeat);
Diapers (ointment, lotion, velcro, and repeat);
Pajamas (one leg, then the other, zip, and repeat);
Hugs (kiss, snuggle, love, and repeat);
Cribs (give binky, bub, blanket and repeat);
and finally story time.
Fan on, CD on, Lights off by 7pm.
Watch both episodes of "The Office" for my daily dose of laughter, and eat dinner. Unfortunately lately dinner has been a sandwich or anything our microwave can produce. I just don't have time to cook dinner. The boys are clingy at night, and I am too burnt out to put effort into dinner. I feel like Josh suffers for this, but hopefully when I am a stay at home mom I will be able to get my mind around making meals for our family.
8:00pm- Run a load of laundry, take out the trash, run the dishwasher, clean out the sink, tidy up the living room and vacuum so that the house is ready for Carol the next day to watch the kids. We also try to get lunches made, clothes picked out and our bags ready so leaving in the morning is seamless.
By 10pm we are in bed, reading usually, and praying the kids WILL NOT wake up as they have been for the last week.

The whole schedule even worse (more work) on the days I have to take them/pick them up from my mom's house.

I am exhausted.

And it honestly never ends. If I don't do some of these things, I pay the price the next day. Or if I spend the whole weekend playing (myself or with the kids) I end up doing laundry/cleaning during the week. And believe you me: I have lowered my standards. I really can't let anything else go.

Maybe it's time I start giving myself credit for how much I do.
And maybe it's time I start giving myself a break.
Supermom needs some time off!


  1. You totally need a day for you! I'm forgetful too! Last night I managed to do a load of the boys clothes. Of course this morning I remembered. So tonight (if I remember), we will have to re-wash and hope they make it into the dryer!

    Have a good day!

  2. Well I'm tired just reading your routine. It brings back such memories of when my children were little. It really does get better, or maybe you just get use to it, it becomes "just what you do" I totally get the wait for one day and then pay for it all week. With me it was Tiffany s hair, every once in a while she would beg me to not do it after her evening bath and I knew I would pay for it in the morning and invariably I would loose my senses for that moment and let it slide and then the next morning was hell. Hang in there kiddo, this will one day just be a memory and you will look back and be so proud of what a great mom you are.

  3. Oh my goodness! I agree w/ Aniko- I needed a breath just after READING it.
    I think that after working the first (almost) 2 years of the boys' life you will LOVE staying home with them, and not take it for granted one bit. But for now your motto remains... "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming!"

  4. I know my schedule is hectic too! Sometimes I am struggling with my hectic schedule as well. I always can't wait for our weekend to begin.

    Keep it up Shelly! :)

  5. Lather, rinse, repeat. Isn't that how it is with twins?

    You are a superwoman! Hang in there. Those sweet boys of yours are so worth it.

  6. You are SUPERMOM for sure!!!! I was getting tired reading your post! What a day for you! Your day at work would probably be better if someone, you know who, would say something POSITIVE you do! Maybe a thank you for all your hardwork! How about this....You are awesome! I LOVE working with you! You always do a 110% at everything you do with the kids at Lincoln! Have a good day tomorrow!

  7. Aww, girls... you know how to make a girl feel loved! Thank you for all the love, support & props. I agree with Roxanne,for now my motto shall remain "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" Ha!


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