
My Mother's Day

{Logan, Mommy & Jack}
My second Mother's Day was awesome. I still feel so amazed that I am a mom. I can't believe God has blessed me this way, with these boys, with this life. I just love them so much! And I am lucky enough to be parenting beside my best friend. I woke up Sunday to pancakes & bacon cooking, a beautiful bouquet of flowers, a card that Josh picked out and the boys colored inside, and finally a digital picture frame. Josh loaded a hundred pictures of the boys over the last two years onto it. It is so much fun!

After our big family breakfast, we took the boys to the park. They played for over an hour; going up and down the slides, jumping in the bark dust, and swinging on the swings. When we got home, they ate lunch and were worn out- they slept for over two hours!

When they woke up they got to go to the park again at Grandma's house with their cousin Gustav. More slides, more swinging and more jumping in bark dust!

And finally we headed home, fed the boys dinner and Josh started baths. Meanwhile, I headed with my mom and sister to see the movie Babies in Portland. It follows four babies from four different countries for their first year. The babies are from Africa, Mongolia, Japan and America. It was really good. And nice to spend some time with my favorite ladies.

While I was gone, I missed the boys, though. They are the best thing that ever happened to me. And I love every moment I get to spend with them.

{Logan Henry}
This boy, he is my light. He brings me such joy. He missed me at bedtime last night and this morning he kept saying, "Hi Momma! Hi Momma!" over and over again. Then he hugged me and with his tiny arms as tight around my neck as possible. I love this kid!

{Jack Sawyer}
This boy is my sunshine. He brings me such happiness. When I left for work today he blew me kisses and said "I love you!" And when I asked for a kiss, he made the Muah! sound and kissed me square on my lips. This kid melts.my.heart!


Carrington said...

I always love your comments on my blog and it always prompts me to take a look at your beautiful family. You take such great photos of your boys! Thanks for sharing in my journey and celebrating the latest joys and adventures in our lives. It's always nice to share with another mom who so clearly loves your role as a mom and the family God has blessed you with.

Barb said...

Light and sunshine--nice!