

Yes, folks, you see that right. My little ones have (at 23 months) figured out how to crawl out of their playpens (as pictured here) at Nanny's house, and their cribs at home.
This means in order for them to sleep in their cribs or playpens at nap or bed time, someone must sit and monitor any & all climbing behavior.
Last night I sat in the rocker in their room for 54 minutes, and tonight I was in there for 34 minutes. Quite an improvement! Here's hoping they are good boys and quick learners, cause Mommy is tired of saying, "NO CLIMBING" in her mean mommy voice!

1 comment:

  1. Oh cripes! Just wait til you move thembig boy beds!!!! We still have to sit outside K's room to make sure she stays in bed! Good times!!!

    p.s congrats on josh's graduation!! :)


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