

twenty-three months

{four days old}

{one month old}

{two months old}

{three months old}

{four months old}

{five months old}

{six months old}

{seven months old}

{eight months old}

{nine months old}

{ten months old}

{eleven months old}

{one year old}

{thirteen months old}

{fourteen months old}

{fifteen months old}

{sixeteen months old}

{seventeen months old}

{eighteen months old}

{nineteen months old}

{twenty months old}

{twenty-one months old}

{twenty-two months old}

{twenty-three months old}
What a journey!


  1. Dr. Phil's wife Robin said today she didn't know how much you could love your grandchild. She should try having twin grandsons, two babies, so cute and so smart and so sweet - I just could burst!!!!!

  2. The nine month picture looks like there is some twin communication happening. What a darling moment.

  3. The picture of them in their carseats... ohhh I remember that! Itty bitty babies.
    And, I LOVED last summer, they were so fun just barely walking and learning to sign. This summer is going to be a blast!

    The last picture of them on the slide is cute! You (and/or Josh!) have perfect timing!

  4. What an awesome legacy you are leaving your boys. They will never have to go through a box of pictures and go, when was this. How absolutely precious are those two boys.


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