


 This afternoon Josh & I will be leaving for a job fair in Seattle.
The job fair will have representatives from every school district in Alaska.
While I am terrified of leaving Washington state and everything I have known for the last 28 years, I also know that with two {soon to be three} children it is imperative that Josh find full time work for the 2011-2012 school year. I also know that with budget cuts at an all time high in education, the odds of him finding a job in this area are slim to none.
And so to the job fair we will go, with prayers to be lead in the right direction, and to make the right choice for our family.  I am hoping for a job in Anchorage, so that life will still look somewhat like it does here... but we'll see what God has in store.
Good thoughts, well wishes & prayers on our behalf are welcome.
We'll keep you posted.


  1. I'm praying. Trust your gut, trust your heart, trust God. No matter what happens your friends and families will do all we can to support you!

    And enjoy the time with Josh sans two year olds!

  2. Well honey, i lived in Alaska for several years. It is wonderful and exciting and fortunately only a three hour flight away. I am praying God's will for your family. Love you all


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