

Three Years Old

 Three years today since you arrived,
I'll blink my eyes and you will be five.

 The last three years, just you two brothers
And now we're about to welcome another.

 You, Logan Henry, my firstborn son,
Make me proud and are so much fun!

 You came to us so worried and small,
Now you are confident and getting so tall.

 Your feet & hands were beyond compare,
Today you can run & slap high fives in the air.

Jack Sawyer, my sweet, my second born son,
So witty & funny, always off on the run.

You arrived a miniature version of Dad,
Our bond was like no other I've had.

 I miss those big, squishy cheeks I could kiss everyday,
Now you're a big boy who's always at play.


These three short years have meant so much to me,
Without you in my life, where would my joy be?

I wish for you both a lifetime of happiness,
And thank you for all of my mothering bliss!


  1. Beautiful.
    Happy Birthday Logan!
    Happy Birthday Jack!

  2. So sweet! Happy Birthday to the big boys :)

  3. Shelly- This is beautiful!! Tears of joy!!


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