


Yesterday I did trimester testing on the boys to see their progress since we started preschool back in August.  I was so excited to see all that I have been able to teach them. They are like little sponges, and it makes teaching them really fun! 

AUGUST:                                            NOVEMBER:
Logan Henry:                                           Logan Henry: 
SHAPES:                                                                  SHAPES:
triangle                                                                       triangle
COLORS:                                                                 circle                                     
white                                                                         square
black                                                                         diamond
red                                                                            COLORS:
blue                                                                           white    
NUMBERS:                                                              black
1                                                                                red
ALPHABET:                                                             blue
none                                                                          orange
                                                                                 1, 2, 4

Jack Sawyer:                                             Jack Sawyer:
SHAPES:                                                                   SHAPES:
None                                                                          rectangle
COLORS:                                                                  triangle
black                                                                          circle
blue                                                                            oval
green                                                                          COLORS:
red                                                                             black
yellow                                                                         blue
NUMBERS:                                                               green
None                                                                          red
ALPHABET:                                                              yellow
none                                                                           orange
                                                                                  1, 2, 3, 4, 5

(Creating a table like this on blogger proved very difficult! 
I can't seem to get the lists lined up right. Oh well!)

They both improved in all four categories.  Most notably, Logan has learned all the letters I have taught thus far (we are up to "M") and Jack has learned all the numbers I have taught thus far (we are up to "5").  They have both learned to write their names, and before we started preschool, they didn't know how to write any letters.

What fascinates me is that Logan, who has always been more advanced intellectually (speaking first, mastering puzzles first, skilled at problem solving) has memorized all the letters; whereas Jack, who has always been more physically advanced (walked first, jumped first, and is more skilled at any sport) is able to take any letter I show him, and copy it accurately.  His handwriting is beautiful and he has such control of his hand. Their twin is lacking where they are succeeding. (ie Logan can't write the letters as well, and Jack has struggled to memorize the names of the letters)  I will be interested to see how this continues to play out in the educational setting.

Both twins love to read (to themselves or to Wyatt) and they love being read to.  I recently unveiled a gift their Aunt Julie gave them at Christmas a few years back- Tag Readers.  They are like a giant pen that works in concert with certain Tag Reader books.  They can touch each page to hear the story, learn certain words or even play games like rhyming and letter finding.  

I love them because they give me a break, and the twins love them because they have a sense of independence with their reading when using them.  They are totally age appropriate, and a truly educational way to play.  I ordered two more books each for them for Christmas. I can't wait for them to have more to choose from!

We have The Cat in the Hat, The Amazing Spiderman, and Ozzie & Mack.  For Christmas I ordered Brave, The Adventures of Up, Diego Underwater Mystery and Dora Goes to School. :)

Their love of books has been manifested in the littlest Cunningham brother, too.  That baby LOVES books. He likes to look at them, read them, tote them around, and put them away. 

I am so grateful to have the opportunity to spend everyday with my boys, teaching them new things, working on their vocabulary and reading stories to them. It's just the best!

"Children are made readers on the laps of their parents."
-Emilie Buchwald


  1. That's awesome to see such progress! It's so great that you tested them at the beginning of the year so you can see in black and white that your hard work is paying off (their hard work too!)

  2. Proud of them and proud of you! You've always had a teacher trait about you, it doesn't surprise me you've been successful. :)
    Maybe you could make the chart on paint or Microsoft word and upload it as a photo.

  3. my son started preschool in September, and I too am amazed at how much he's learned! in a matter of weeks he knew his whole alphabet, where before he know a few groupings of letters, he knows all colors, not just primary colours... it's amazing!

  4. This is exciting! And I am fascinated by the strengths they each have! I'll be watching this as well! Great job Shelly! You really are a born teacher.

  5. Any chance you could post the TAG reader books they do have then maybe we could do a care package of others for you?

  6. Tag Readers we have:
    The Amazing Spiderman
    Ozzie & Mack
    The Cat and the Hat
    Ordered for Christmas:
    Brave (is coming)
    Adventures of Up (is coming)
    Diego Undersea Mystery (is coming)
    Dora Goes To School (is coming)


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