

life's lessons

In my short time {coming up on a year in January} 
on the tundra I have learned some of life's lessons.
I'd like to share them with you

live your truth
I have learned this one multiple times.  I have found that each time it came with different meaning. Right now living my truth means being true to myself, and what I believe.  I believe in sharing my story.  I believe in telling it like it is.  I believe in the blog, the purpose it serves.  I believe in sharing my life and our blessings.  I believe that trials allow us to feel joy more deeply.  And I believe that people are inspired by my truth the way I am inspired by theirs.

find joy
having small children helps me with this one.  Especially Wyatt.  Witnessing him as he learns about the world brings me joy.  Capturing my children's joy, for me, is the same as finding it myself.  When I have the camera at my side all day long, that is a day where magic happens.  Writing down their funnies is joyful to me.  Saying "yes" is another way to ensure joy sneaks into our days.  Yes to making "goo"; yes to helpers in the kitchen; yes to a middle-of-the-afternoon bath, just because.

breathe//stay present
the baby also helps with this one.  When I am experiencing emotions that are spinning me wildly out of control, and I step into that dark, peaceful nursery to rock him to sleep, that room becomes my sanctuary, my lullaby becomes my prayer, and his body becomes a weight, pulling me down from where I am frantically swimming through black swirling skies and back into the moment.  He reminds me to breathe.  He reminds me to take each day as it comes, because before I know it, today will be yesterday and these years will be over.

put me first [sometimes]
it's important as the mother that you be balanced.  If I am off, the whole household is off.  If I take care of me, the whole house benefits. If I neglect me, the whole house suffers.  So I make time for girls night with Leah & Susan. I make time for blogging, for journaling and for prayer.  I make working out a priority, even if it is just fifteen minutes.  And I listen to my body.  I watch for Hunger, Anger, Loneliness, and being Tired. (HALT)  Those four can get you.  Can make you behave in ways you normally wouldn't.  Taking care of me seems counter intuitive to taking care of them, but you must have one to get the other.

feel your feelings
along the lines of taking care of myself, I must also feel my feelings as they come.  My mom and I were talking on Thursday last week and were both saying how surprised we were that we were fine, not crying, not missing each other terribly.  We decided to embrace the happiness, not question it.  Sadness will find you.  Most often when you least expect it.  When it comes, usually bringing along loneliness for good measure, I try to let it wash over me. Listen to a sad song, cry a good cry, and just be.  I try not to have expectations of my feelings.  I try to let them be, too.

embrace tradition
this being my first holiday season away from family, I have found myself clinging to anything familiar.  In thirty years of Christmases, not a one has passed without my entering my parents home.  I will miss the cozy feeling of seeing my childhood ornaments adorning their tree.  I will miss feeling enveloped by their love.  But my goal (my job now) is to create that same environment for my own children.  To make them feel special,  to create memories for them, to make their holidays sparkle.  This means a month of reading Christmas books I grew up with, a month of Christmas Carols playing in the house, a month of home baked goodness.  It's a challenge, but one I am up for -- bring on the glitter!


  1. What you wrote on breathing and staying present was beautiful!

  2. A couple of the moms I know have a tradition of wrapping up a Christmas book or maybe a new book for each day before Christmas.
    Also,I am 57,and my family is coming to a new traditions point also. My kids are all young adults,the youngest will be married next May,her oldest brother may follow soon after and her other older brother has a serious girlfriend. So our family of 5 is adding on to our Christmas to young ladies this year. My daughter's fiance' already celebrated with our family last year. I have done Thanksgiving for my family twice now. My mother-in-law is no longer upto it. So,although different,we,too,are starting new traditions.


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