

12.12.12 {random}


The other day Logan was at the table with Josh and I, and he asked Josh to lick the fork I had used to cut his food.  A few minutes later Jack came to the table, having missed Logan doing so, he asked me to lick his fork.  Josh and I were cracking up at their odd twinship.

Then last night, both boys puked in their fresh sheets and when we got them settled for a long night downstairs, they began retching at the same time in the bowls. Josh and I just stared at them (and each other) in disbelief!

Tonight the twins seem better, and so far Wyatt is fine, but I'm not holding my breath. 
Joe & Krista's kids had it (all FOUR!?!) and it lasted over three days.  Misery!

Before they were sick, I caught them doing teamwork to get the last of the applesauce out of the jar for Wyatt.  (See how he's hollering in the background?)  It was so sweet! Then Jack fed it to him.
Last week I ruined the dinner I had originally planned, 
but I looked at the ingredients I had and decided I could make tacos for Josh.  

He was SO happy when he got home from tutoring. 
 He had bought the lettuce and tomato at the co-op 
and I am telling you, those were the best tacos I have ever had!
So when we were heading this way in August, I was terrified of the darkness. I was so worried about getting through the fall. I had been here January to May.  But I had not experienced the daily loss of light that occurs August to December.  I worried for nothing.  The darkness does not bother me in the least. In fact, fascinatingly enough, the light in May was far more bothersome.  It was difficult to sleep at night and hard to get the kids down for naps... 
The darkness just envelopes us and keeps us cozy in our warm house together.  Having candles burning and Christmas lights twinkling helps, but really, it doesn't bother me at all.  Right now the sun is rising at 11:01am and setting at 4:22pm.  So we've got a little over five hours of daylight.  It will continue dropping off until Winter Solstice.  
Josh's friend Jana who also works for LYSD shared how she uses totes and asked on Facebook how we use totes in our lives.  I use totes for everything. First and foremost, I use them to ship important things to Marshall.  Boxes often get abused or wet, destroying their integrity, so Rubbermaid totes are the way to go. 
I also use totes to store water in the bathroom, toys in the playroom, clothes in the closets and holiday decorations.  The boys like to use them as well. For tote wars, pretend tables and turtle-in-the-shell on the kitchen floor.
(Wrestling... as always!)
When the boys are talking about someone or something going backward, they always say it's "beeping backwards." Like when Wyatt sits in our lap to read a book, he will walk backwards to do so, and the twins will say, "Look mom! Wyatt's beeping backwards!"

While talking about babies with Logan & Jack, Jack said he thought we should have a baby girl and name it Bailey. I asked if he liked the name Hadley and he said he does.  Logan said, no. We cannot name the baby Bailey or Hadley. He said we have to name it Carly.  Jack said we can’t because we already know a Carly.  But Logan persisted. “We are not going back to pre-school and we will be here for a long time, so it’s fine. We can name it Carly.”

Then Logan asked how God knows when I want a baby. I told him that I pray for a baby, then God gives me one.  He said, “But how can he hear you?” I said God can hear everything.  Logan said, “In the whole city?” I said, “Yep.” Then Jack goes, “I think he can hear us because he has REALLY big ears.”

Tonight I hope God, with his REALLY big ears hears my prayer for healthy boys come tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post! I am fascinated by their twin stuff, and I love how physical they are with each other. I know you could live with way less "fight game" but these wrestling pictures crack me up! And them getting applesauce for Wyatt is so cute! What dinner did you ruin? I am amazed at some of the dinners your dad has eaten! I've ruined many.
    The picture of Logan on the couch makes me feel so sad for him. I have been praying for fast recovery and NO SICK MAMA!! Or Wyatt either :)


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