

Kampin' at the KOA with our Kousins

This summer we went camping with Josh's sister Julie and her family at the KOA at Fort Stevens.  We had so much fun. I honestly can't believe how much we fit into two days!

We explored Battery Russell, which meant climbing these stairs...

And of course some pictures of all the boys together!
Logan, Isaac & Jack
Then Alvin & Ethan
with Julie & Conrad in the back

Josh, being the manly dad he is, offered to wear Wyatt for me so I wouldn't kill my back.

He slept for most of the exploration.
How cute are his little Converse sticking out?

That baby loves his daddy!

The twins absolutely loved exploring with their older, cooler cousins!

After running around and checking out the battery, we stopped and ate lunch at a picnic table together.  I remember we shared chips and granola bars, and ate Conrad's delicious zucchini chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

But what I remember most is that Julie ate an onion and pickle sandwich. And months later, when we were home in Marshall, the boys noticed an onion on the counter and asked what it was. I told them it was an onion, but they wouldn't like it because it tastes kind of gross unless it's cooked in something. And Logan, with a memory as sharp as a tack said to me, "But Julie likes them because she's gross?" OMG.  I could have died.  Hahaha!
Sorry Julie!

After lunch the boys climbed this cool tree.

They were loving it.

I absolutely adore these pictures of Logan.

He looks so happy, healthy, tan and tow headed.

And I wish I'd backed up for a picture of Ethan. He doesn't look that high off the ground, but he was!

This picture of Jack looking up at him shows just how high E got!

Our boys running!
After exploring Battery Russell we headed back to camp where Josh & Conrad took the boys to play on the giant trampoline/pillow.

While the boys were at the giant trampoline jumping their little hearts out, Julie and I sat around the campfire with blankets in our laps (it was a bit chilly), reading our novles and magazines and visiting occasionally. It was quite lovely, and makes me excited to go again with her next summer.
The boys also got to play at the park...

And then Uncle Conrad rented these awesome bikes for Isaac & Ethan.
The twins, of course, hopped on for a ride!

They love their big cousins and the adventures they have together so much!

In fact, two weeks ago Jack told me he doesn't like his glasses because they are oval, not rectangle like Ethan's. Next time he wants rectangle glasses because then his will be cool like Ethan.
After riding bikes we went swimming in the indoor pool.

 Wyatt went swimming for the first time in his life!

I was overjoyed to have our little family in the pool all together.  Swimming is one of my favorite things to do in the whole wide world, so seeing what amazing little fish I have makes my heart happy.

Logan & Jack are incredible.  So independent and comfortable in the water.

And despite the cold, Wyatt did really well!  He loved the water, watching his brothers be brave & crazy, and thoroughly enjoyed splashing.

I particularly love this picture. The flash didn't go off, so you can really see how blonde his sweet little head of hair was. Also, I adore his little chin!

Jack became really brave during this pool time. 

He would climb out, walk around to Josh, and

JUMP right in to him. No worries, no qualms, just giggles!

Eventually Wyatt did get cold, so I pulled him out and wrapped him in the beautiful bathrobe my mom made for Jack when he was little.  He looked so cute, we had a mini photo session.

I loved the natural light coming in the window.
And his sweet, chubby, baby hands gripping the wooden bench he was on.

And those eyes. Oh those eyes kill me. This is, hands down, my favorite picture of Wyatt ever. It is just him.
After swimming, we went back to camp and I had the boys pose for pictures in our Kampin' Kabin.

Here Jack is figuring out the door.

He looks like such a big kid.

Logan slept on top of the little bunk bed.
(Our luggage slept under him!)
Wyatt slept in the playpen behind him, or at least that was the plan.
He actually ended up sleeping (or screaming) with me most of the night.

I just love their smiles in these pictures.
Jack looks so happy.  They really loved camping with their cousins.

Logan up on his big boy bed.

And Jack (way up!) on his bed above where Josh and I slept.  I absolutely loved the cabin. It felt so perfect to me to have all my boys sleeping with me in that cozy space.  I always feel that way when we go camping. Then we get back to reality, where they sleep in their own room and I feel a little sad.
I also loved the swing on the front porch. I was able to use it to put Wyatt to sleep for his naps & bedtime.

I love that little buddy and his tiny Converse so much!

He's my precious puddin' pie!

We also spent a fair amount of time just sitting around the campfire, visiting.

And the boys played cars.

The morning we left, Josh and Julie made a delicious breakfast, and Josh had me take a picture of his eggs, bacon and sausage. Holy heart attack- yum!

That morning Wyatt and I made an emergency trip to the KOA store so I could get a Grande cup of coffee with equal parts cream & coffee.  He was teething something fierce during the trip, which sucked for sleep, and the coffee helped me get through!

That day we swam again and we were all so happy to be in the pool one last time before we left.  I am so grateful to have Julie, Conrad, Alvin, Ethan and Isaac in my family.  We spent so much of our summer with them, and we made a million wonderful memories.

I am most of all grateful for Julie. She is my best friend. We are like kindred spirits.  I wake up every morning to a message in my inbox from her, and it never fails to put a smile on my face.  Everyday we dream of what we're going to do together when we're reunited in May.  So far the list includes perusing books at Barnes & Noble, beach trips to Rockaway with our clan of boys, an even longer KOA Kampin' trip, and countless afternoons spent in her backyard, swimming in her pool, jumping on her trampoline and roasting marshmallows in her fire pit. I can hardly wait!!!  Meanwhile, re-living memories of our summer together will have to do!


  1. The other day I was cooking an onion and remembered Logan talking about me eating onions in a sandwich. It cracked me up. They're so funny! I love so many of the pictures. The one of Wyatt in his robe with the natural light is awesome! He'll be running around with the big kids this summer! No more baby :( I'd forgotten that the pool water was freezing. Maybe they could heat the indoor pool! Such fun!

  2. What a wonderful time! The pictures are so good. Wyatt's tiny tan hands in the pool, and such happy faces all around. I love the one of a twin in each side of the bunker. And the trees and all of the boys - so good! Ethan is like the grown up version of Jack and Logan :).
    But, I think Wyatt will have hair like Ethan, not like Logan and Jack. The cabin is so nice, and those beds - how cool!!
    Wyatt is such a gorgeous baby. And I'm glad you got more use out of the robe! I am grateful for Julie too.


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