


 Lately Wyatt has been really fun. I have always loved him (loved him!) but it's like now he's developing into his own little person and I love interacting with him.

He likes to try and make us laugh, and often does by dancing or acting goofy.

In addition to being funny, he is so smart!  I have been working on counting with the twins, so at snack time we will often count how many of something we have.  And if Wyatt's eating with us, he will "count" his snack items, too. He says "two" clearly, but the rest is just gibberish with the verbal tones of counting.  It's so crazy to me!

 He is obsessed with books.  Particularly There's a Wocket in my Pocket, Are You My Mother, Peek A Who, Where's Kitty and One Sunny Day.  Sadly he has outgrown his David books.  I try to make him read them with me still because he knows the words, and it's so dang cute to see a one year old read a book. But these other books interest him more.

He really loves Where's Kitty. It's a lift-the-flap book by Mercer Mayer and he can say the noises that almost every hidden animal makes. So he will lift the flap and Moo or Neigh. It's adorable!  I am hoping to catch it on video one of these days when Josh is home to help me.

With his development, he has grown a bit of a temper. Now that he can ask for what he wants, if we say no, he will throw toys or hit himself (usually on the legs), which means timeout.  He doesn't like timeout, and we can usually get the behavior to stop if we ask him, "Do you want to go in timeout?" He will say, "Nope."  It kills me!  

"Nope," complete with a head shake.

 At bedtime he will fake cry sometimes.  It's really loud and he shuts his eyes closed really tight, but there are no tears.  I will stand in the hallway listening, to see if I really need to go in, and once he realizes I'm not coming back in, he will say, "Hi Jack!" all happy. What a stinker!

 That's another thing about him, he thinks the twins are both Jack. He will even argue with me. I will tell him, "No, that's not Jack. That's Logan. Say hi, Logan." He will look at me, look at Logan and say, "Hi, Jack!"

We keep correcting him and I know eventually he will get it. I think he understands there are two of them and they are different, I think Jack is just easier to say than Logan. He will occasionally say Logan, and it sounds like "Lo-lan", but with more syllables than necessary.

 At bed time we sing and rock him to sleep.  When I am nearing the end of a song, especially one he knows well, he will say and sign, "more songs".  I ask, "You want mommy to sing more songs?" And he will answer, binky in his mouth, "Yeeeah." So sweet.  Then he will lay his head back on my chest, rubbing the tags on his taggie and listen to another song.
Then when I tuck him in he says, "Nap. Nap. Bye-bye!"

When he needs help he will come find us, tell us something is "stuck" and then say "hep" (help) and turn around, walking like a little man, with his arms swinging at his side, and show us the problem. 

After I help him I ask, "What do you say?" And he says, "Dak You" (thank you) in his deep little voice.  Please and thank you are two of his most recent words and I love that he can say them now.  He uses please to his own advantage. If I say no, he will say "Please".  I'll give you two guesses where he learned that!

This little guy just brings our family such joy.  I can't help but squish and love on him all.the.time. And just this morning while he was in his rocker watching Baby Einstein, I watched as Jack walked by, leaned over and kissed him on the forehead. Melt. My. Heart.

We are so grateful to have this smart, funny sweetheart in our lives!


  1. What fantastic pictures of him. It amazes me he's talking so much and mimicking counting. He has the best smile, and I think he looks like you. Especially in the eyes.
    Maybe you could teach him to say Bogans or Bogey for Logan?

  2. He could not be any cuter. Look at that smile! He's such a little charmer! I love the picture with him looking at his hands. It's so fun when they start developing a personality (minus the negative aspects like fake crying.) I'm glad his brothers love him so much too. So sweet!

  3. What a doll. He could not be any cuter.Looks like grampa Barry. Sweet.

  4. Oh I love what Alida wrote! She would know too! I think he looks like you. But I sure see Josh too.
    What a personality he's getting. I love it!! Fake crying, too cute. His smiles just melt me. I just want to hug and kiss him.


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