

snow play

On Monday we finally got out to play in the snow.
Some of my boys were more excited about this than others...

The big boys brought trucks with, but really they just ended up rolling around in the snow
and throwing snowballs at each other.

Our neighbor Howie has his boat parked in front of our house and that's his four wheeler, too.
The twins love all this cool stuff!

Wyatt wasn't so sure about being outside. 

Although he did enjoy watching Howie's dog, Angel, and her five puppies.
He just kept saying, "Puppy. Puppy. Puppy."

Angel was happy to have company outside, too!

I enjoyed being outside.  Breathing the fresh air, standing in the sunshine
 and hearing Logan & Jack giggle as they threw snow at each other.

It was really nice out. Twenty degrees with no wind.  We stayed out for almost forty minutes.

These big boys could have played out forever!

Look at my  happy Jack...

and my happy Logan...

Unfortunately, there was not a happy Wyatt...
And he asked repeatedly that we be "all done"...

So after I let the boys play and run and laugh in the snow, 
we said goodbye to the great outdoors and went inside for cocoa. 
Everyday since the twins have asked to go back out.

Soon, I tell them.
Rumor has it we might get some fresh snow today!!!


  1. Looks like fun. 20 above is better then 20 below. Good for U & the boys .

  2. Wyatt looks so cute!! You're such a good mom to do this with them. They looks so happy. I love the dog and her puppies!


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