

cougar {part one}

{the kitchen tent}
This summer, in order to fully enjoy our time in Washington, I took a break from blogging.  I did so thinking that looking back at our summer adventures may come in handy during the long winter months here in Alaska. 

{our tent}
I was totally right, and have spent the morning re-living our camping trip to Cougar with my parents and nephew.  

For your enjoyment (okay, and for my own mental health) I have put together a series of posts about camping at Cougar, where I have camped every summer for most of my thirty years.

We had a great time camping.  
Just looking at these pictures makes me smile.

I can't wait to fall asleep again under these giant trees with their hushed whispers.

I can't wait to open my eyes and see something green. 

I can't wait for these boys to go fishing again,

to cast their lines,

and claim success.

I can't wait to feel the sun on my face,

to watch the boys' hair get blonder with each passing day,

and see our skin turn golden brown from days spent out of doors.

I can't wait to go on dates with my husband,

to experience the amazing nature in Washington state,

and to make another summer full of memories to pull out next winter.

This camping trip was really fun because the boys knew what we were going to be doing.  
They were so excited to get back to Cougar, to camp, to make smores and swim.

Josh got to fish,

Wyatt got to watch,

and I got to capture all the moments in between on my camera.
I love this picture of rocks in the water. I miss running water.

Next summer, I want to take the boys and jump off the dock.
 The water is (usually) only about four of five feet deep there, 
and I think they would love to try it!

I love the next four pictures of Jack. 
He took his job of fishing very seriously.

And this view?

I love making memories with my own family
in the place where I grew up making memories.
"What good is the warmth of summer,
without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?"
-John Steinbeck


  1. This makes me happy! Blake and I will be able to join you guys at Cougar this year, we weren't brave enough to go with a crawling baby last year... but this year will be a lot of fun!

  2. I miss running water too. I can't wait for the sun to be warm on my face. I am so excited for many things this summer and camping at Cougar is high on my list.

  3. I'm excited too! I love watching the kids love it! They make it so worthwhile! I miss you all so much!! Hugs!


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