

Cougar {Part Three}

One of the days of camping, my sister drove up (about an hour from where we grew up) with her boys, Ferris & Milo.  Ferris and the twins were wearing matching shirts- unplanned!

My boys are absolutely in love with her little one, Milo.  
Milo is four months younger than Wyatt.

We headed straight down to the water.
I cannot get over how blonde Wyatt's hair was!

Papa took Jack out for a ride.

And Ferris, who had no swim shorts because in town it had been a foggy, cool morning, borrowed Wyatt's tiny dukes.  

His itty bitty shorts did not keep him from having fun!

Wyatt stayed on the shore that morning, playing with all the toys.

Sunny, my parents old English sheep dog, took a dip.

And Logan got a ride in the boat with Papa, too.

I love these boys together. They always have so much fun!

There are our three big boys. Ferris, Logan & Jack.

I have never really been beyond the bouys, but someday I would like to.  Josh's sister got a kayak for her birthday and it makes me think I want one. How lovely would a solitary morning out on the reservoir be?

Watching Milo crawl through the grass killed me.  

He doesn't really like it, so he crawls with one leg in the air, then the other.

Is he just the cutest, pudgiest baby ever?

I love his lil' teefers,

and his pudgy hands.

Off he goes!

I hope these two grow up close, despite the distance. I was always really close growing up with my cousin who was born eleven days after me, and it was fun to have a playmate my age at all family events.

Josh and I decided that this summer when we go camping, we're going to go for, like, a week, not just three nights. It's so much work to prepare, pack, shop and set up camp, that we decided if we're going to put that much work into it, we are going to make it count!  I can't wait!

I love these pictures of Logan feeding Milo his bottle.

He was taking the job very seriously.

Milo had already drunk most of the milk, but Logan was just sure he needed all of it.

Milo was a good sport, thankfully!

Along with my sister popping over with her kids, Josh's mom and dad came to see us.

They stayed through campfire, having dinner and helping with smores.

My sister is a smore connisseur.
She loves the things.

Loves them.

Aside from smores, one of my favorite camping treats is the double dipped malt balls my mom found at Winco and brings on every trip. Oh man, they are sooo good and sooo addictive. Just talking about them makes me wish I had a bag full to pop in my mouth tonight for movie night!

Growing up, my dad always told ghost stories around the campfire. The one I remember most vividly is the story of he and a friend traveling to an abandon barn and seeing shadows race across the hay loft.  I lack his ghost-story-telling talent, but let me tell you, it scared the pants off me!

I love this picture of Roxanne snuggling a sleepy Milo close. Both our babes are growing up so fast, I am happy to look back and see we both cherished every moment.

Her lil' koala peeking out. So cute!

Looking at this last picture brings tears to my eyes. These boys, my first babies, are so big.  I can see the baby and toddler rapidly disappearing from their faces, and in their place I see the big boys they will become. I am so happy to have them, to be a mom to little boys, and to have years of memories with them already in the making.  What a blessing!


  1. Loved reliving camping, so fun! Oh man I wanted a kayak too, after seeing Julie's!!

  2. I love Julie's kayak!! I will be making reservations as soon as possible!! I am so excited now! Those sweet babies sitting in the grass will be running this summer!
    So much fun to be had!!


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