

February {for the love!}

 It's February. I am so glad. Getting through January anywhere is hard, but I think it's particularly difficult here.  Christmas is over, the sparkle is gone.  The weather is nasty and the days are dark.  And then, thirty one days later, it's over. 

February comes, the month of love, the shortest month, and you think maybe, just maybe, you will get through to the spring.  Today the sun rises at 10:10am and sets at 5:53pm.  I am so happy the sun is shining longer. 

 I am even happier that yesterday it was warm.

(Well, warmer.)

 Actually, it was only sixteen degrees...

 But it was in the positives and there was no wind, so


The twins were so happy to get outside. 

 And getting them ready wasn't bad at all.

 The made snowballs...
Some were small, and others were BIG!

 We even found some other littles to have a HUGE snowball fight with.

 The boys were in seventh heaven.

Snowballs flying, kids running and climbing. I was so happy for them.

While I was getting Wyatt out of his gear after about forty minutes outside, the twins climbed on the rail happily.  A bit later Jack came in and asked me if his tongue was bleeding. Distractedly I looked at his tongue, told him no, and finished undressing Wyatt.

Later the story came out:

He had been under the housing and decided to lick the railing to see what would happen.  (In the past we have warned them not to do this...) He said sure enough, his tongue got stuck and he had to pull his head back to rip it off.  He said it only hurt a little bit.
Poor kid.
I asked if he planned on doing it again,
and he said no.
I certainly hope not!

So that was how playing outside was for Jack & Logan.
For Wyatt, it was perhaps not as enjoyable...
 His face was pretty much like this the whole time we were out.
What the heck are we doing out here, mom? 
You know the house was nice and cozy, right?
I feel like Ralphie in A Christmas Story...

 He can hardly walk in his snow pants,

and when he falls, he falls completely over.  
He can't bend in half!

 98% of our time was spent like this...

with Wyatt at my feet saying, 
"Pick up!
Pick up!
Pick uuuuup!"

 Then he would try to walk around, only to fall over and get powdery snow on his scarf and in his eyelashes.

I managed to keep him out long enough for his brothers to play for a while,
and when it was time to head inside he kept saying, 
"House! In house!"

{I put a pair of socks on under Wyatt's mittens for extra warmth.}
Once inside we made hot cocoa and enjoyed it with the whip cream Josh scored at the gas station.  It was lovely. At bedtime last night Logan thanked God for the snowball fight, and asked that the weather today be nice as well.  I second his prayers. It's so nice when we can get out for a while!

This weekend we have date night {friday}, family movie night {saturday} and we just might be hosting a Super Bowl party {sunday}.  Even if we won't be hosting, I plan on making a crockpot full of moose chili and homemade cornbread. I will also be finishing up book two (Catching Fire) and starting book three (Mocking Jay) of the Hunger Games series. And I hope to write a post about my all time favorite books and my reading list for 2013. So stay tuned!


  1. I love the pictures of Wyatt in this post. You are definitely living an adventure!

  2. You had me laughing out loud, scaring the dogs at this post Shelly.
    Poor Jack - ugh, I'm so glad his tongue is ok, but sooo funny.
    And Wyatt - poor guy. But he sure looks cute! That picture of him laying on the snow - oh man!

  3. I'd like you to know that yesterday I washed everyone's bedding, inspired by your previous post. Thanks!

  4. I realized a week or two ago that i hadn't seen you on facebook. Then i realized how much i missed your blog. I'm glad I got to catch up on your life in Alaska.

  5. Speaking of reading lists, I've been meaning to tell you about one of my very favorite books: "The Final Frontiersman: Heimo Korth and His Family, Alone in Alaska's Arctic Wilderness" by James Campbell. It's available on Kindle for about $9. It's really really good!


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