

Summer Fun: Raatz Family Beach Getaway

Before this summer begins, I'd like to get all the adventures of last summer blogged.  So I am starting a Summer Fun series, full of sunshine and happy memories. 
The last week in June last summer, my parents rented a house in Lincoln City, Oregon.

My sister's family came, as well as my parents and nephew, and my sister's best friend Emily.

Man we had some good times!

My boys LOVE her boys!

Especially that baby Milo!
(He's just four months younger than Wyatt)

Can you blame them?
Look how yummy-baby he is!

As much as Logan loves Milo, he loves his Aunt Roxanne even more!

We had some good eats,
(we each took turns cooking a meal for the whole family, and it was awesome!)

and we had a visit from my Grandma Pansy.

Baby love!

We did lessons on french braiding,

which I enjoyed.

And which put my mom right in her element.

I love this picture of her.

And this one of our two babies trying to escape!

The last day we were there it was raining, but we decided we weren't going to let a little liquid sunshine keep us from having a good time. So we went on a walk.

On the beach.

In the pouring rain!

The boys were having a blast!  I think most of us ended up in to our bums in the freezing ocean water. After a while our feet just went numb.  It was the most carefree, giggle-filled beach walk I have ever been on!
Another favorite memory from this trip is playing Apples to Apples. Oh my goodness, we were all laughing SO hard!!!  It makes me super excited for this summer!  

And it makes me super sad that Emily moved away. :(
Sister is fun!

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