

birthdays approaching... how can it be?

 Each year as May rolls around I find myself in disbelief that yet another year has passed, 
and another set of birthdays is imminent.  

I still remember, clearly, the conversation Josh and I had when we decided we'd "try" for a baby.  (We got pregnant that month!)  He was casual, but sure, telling me that trying would be fine so long as I didn't mind working while he finished his teaching degree.  

{Logan Henry :: June 6, 2008 :: 2:54pm :: 4lbs.6oz.}
I still remember, clearly, the day of our ultrasound, me laying on the table, telling the ultrasound tech that  we didn't want to know what it was unless it was twins, and laughing out loud when she told us that it was indeed twins.

{Jack Sawyer :: June 6, 2008 :: 2:55pm :: 6lbs.13oz.}
I still remember, clearly, the day we brought them home and stood in a sea of baby paraphanelia looking at each other like, "What have we done?"

{Wyatt Nathanial :: June 15, 2011 :: 9:39pm :: 8lbs.14oz.}
I still remember, clearly, the morning I slid my cold feet under the sheets and whispered to Josh that we were pregnant again.

And I remember, clearly, the four days we spent in the hospital, a family of three for the first time, enjoying our "babymoon" with Wyatt before we went home & his brothers rejoined us, and we officially became five.

There's not a day that passes that I don't thank God for my healthy children, our loving relationship and this beautiful family we have created.

Here's to June;
big boys turning five;
and little boys turning two.


  1. Awww poor Logan having to get naked to wake up and eat! And wow, Jack's hair was red!
    And then your big baby Wyatt. He was so different then what I expected, maybe I was waiting for Logan and Jack's triplet? I loved his chin and his light brown hair. Logan and Jack were like the community babies, but Wyatt was your baby. Seeing you with him made me ache to hold my own baby!

  2. Oh those tiny babies!! So sweet!
    Makes my heart melt.


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