

Wild Air

Yesterday, in the midst of packing, and watching mid-May snow fall outside my window, I posted a list of things I won't miss about Alaska.

Today, as I finalized my last-minute list for tomorrow morning, finished cleaning the house, and contemplated our second year here, I started thinking about what I will miss about Alaska.

 I will miss the slow pace of life.
I will the peace.
I will miss the blue skies,
the mountains, 
and the nothingness that stretches as far as the eye can see, and beyond.
I will miss the simple life we have created here.

Today as I finish packing and start praying for clear skies and safe travels, 
I am remembering the months-- 

August when the land was green and the river was flowing; 

October when we trick-or-treated in FREEZING weather, nearly being blown away; 

November when I hosted my first Thanksgiving 
and we celebrated the amazing community we have in the teachers around us; 

New Years when I resolved to own my truth

April when the snow finally began to melt, and we were once again able to play out.

It's been an amazing year.  Full of growth and learning and challenge.  
I am happy to be closing it with a grateful heart.

I am grateful for my friends in Marshall.
I am grateful for my children, and my stay-at-home mom status.
I am grateful for my husband, who loves me so completely.

I am grateful for the opportunity to live outside my comfort zone.
Challenging as it is, Alaska has become home, and we belong here.

That said, we are also grateful for the opportunity to travel home, to Washington, to see our loved ones, experience all that life has to offer there and make memories to last us a lifetime.

Tomorrow our plane comes at eleven. And while I might tear up saying goodbye to Susan and our home, I will also feel a flutter of excitement, for the next set of adventures we are about to embark on.


  1. May your heart rest easy tonight. Prayers for safe travels for your family these next few days. Your summer officially begins tomorrow!!!!

  2. Have an AMAZING trip back to your first home!! I look forward to all the blogs about your adventures :))
    Safe travels

  3. Amy (Amos) said it best, your summer is about to begin! I'm happy that at the end of summer though, going home will be just that... Home.
    I'm praying for stress-free, happy adventure to Washington! Also, specifically praying that no one gets sick and Wyatt naps! :)

  4. Have a great summer. If you take a blog break again - I look forward to hearing all about it in the fall.


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