

Pool Party

The big boys are turning five.


Let's celebrate with a party at the pool!

Invite all our loved ones,

and celebrate these awesome boys!

Wyatt took a little while to warm up to the water,

but everyone else dove right in!

Daddy helped little brother warm up by taking him on the slide.

 And it did the trick!

His big brothers didn't need any encouragement.
They were ecstatic to be in the water after nine months without.

 We had an absolutely awesome time!

 Splashing and swimming and playing.

I love this little guy.

I love these little guys.

 All my mom's grandsons:
My brother's son, Isaiah, holding my sister's youngest, Milo.
Then Ferris.
Then Logan, and Jack holding Wyatt.

I love this tender boy.

And I love this sweetheart.

I simply can't believe they are going to be five.
That I have had the privilege of being their mother for five years.
After swimming, it was time for cake, of course!

Birthday boys ready! 

 Everyone was ready for a snack!

They blew their candles out in sync,
but only Logan was successful on the first try.
I adore this picture of their sweet, happy faces.

Afterwards, I took the candles out of their cakes.
But when Jack said he wanted to lick his, 
I thought of my Grandpa Jerry, who would absolutely approve,
and handed them back for my boys to lick.

And lick they did.

After swimming and cake, we were nearly out of time, so we decided to head back to our house to open gifts and visit. 

 Everyone was flexible and didn't mind coming over so the boys could take their time opening presents. 

 It was wonderful.  

The whole afternoon was so relaxed and you could see in all the boys' gifts that everyone was thinking of exactly what they would love and enjoy playing with.

 Awesome guys,

 and other fun toys.

There was even an early present for little Wy. 

 Which big brother Logan helped him open.

 It was sweet.

And that night, as the boys said their prayers they were thankful for:
their pool party
splashing their cousins
playing football in the yard (also with their cousins)
eating cake
their presents
and going on the slide at the pool

As I laid in bed falling asleep, I was thankful for:
all the people who love my children so much,
how blessed I am to have three amazing sons,
and what a wonderful day we spent celebrating two of them.


  1. What fun! I love the series of pictures of all of the boys on the slide. Happy 5th birthday to your Logan and Jack!

  2. Such a fun afternoon. It was cool to have the pool to ourselves, like we were VIP. Josh did fantastic getting their picture on the slide. I'll be printing those!
    It's neat that it works out for the kids to celebrate birthdays in Washington, swimming or playing outside.

  3. They are so big! They are really starting to look like big boys! Turning 5 was always such a huge milestone for me with my seems like that age really proves that they are out of the toddler/preschool age and onto the kid stage! Enjoy your time!


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