

September Goals Update

I am pretty excited. 

Labor day was a very productive day for me. I was finally feeling all the way better physically, and nearly better emotionally. So I went right to work, cleaning the house, organizing the new shelves Josh put together for me from Target, and washing everyone's sheets now that we're healthy.  I completely finished organizing the boys' toys, our craft supplies and our school stuff.  Oh man it feels good to type that!  

I just love finishing a project that will stay done. 
(As opposed to, say, laundry, dishes & cooking!)

Because of all my hard work yesterday, I was able to start school with the twins today.
Don't they look thrilled?

(Stuff to be organized)
haha! Actually, they love school. They just hate getting their pictures taken lately. It's really too bad I am their mom. Because the pictures are never going to stop!

In addition to doing school (and crossing that off of the September Goals list) I also finished reading the introduction to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons, and have gone upstairs for bed at 9:00 every night for three nights!  

The next book I want to dive into fully is Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids.
No yelling, here I come!

So my September Goals now look like this:
Continue going to bed at 9pm
Gratitude Journal
New Recipes
Keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love the daily stuff - the calendar, days of the week etc.. This is so great! Kindergarten! They look so handsome. Wyatt is soooo cute in his Hanna's!


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