
A Day In The Life

Starting Our Day:

Generally I wake up at 5:30am.  This allows me at least a half hour, sometimes an hour to myself. I spend this time journaling, emailing my BFF Julie, blogging or doing a quick workout. It just depends on my mood and what I feel will best benefit my sanity for the day.

By 6:30 the kids are all up.  They play quietly in the playroom or at the kitchen table.  Josh showers first, then at 7:00am he comes downstairs and feeds the littles their breakfast while I shower and get ready for the day uninterrupted.  That is probably my favorite part of our routine.

Somewhere between waking up and Josh going to work, the big boys dress themselves, make their beds & brush their teeth, and one of us changes Wyatt and dresses him for the day.

By 8:00am Josh is gone for work and the boys are all watching Paw Patrol, followed by Team UmiZoomi.  At 9:00am on the dot we start school with calendar, followed by read aloud & then work at the table while Wyatt watches Veggie Tales on the Tablet.  School is usually done by about 11:00am.

Lunch & Naps:

Before lunch I wrap up the laundry, switching & folding, and I do the breakfast dishes.

Josh comes home for lunch at 11:30am.  They all eat, and then I lay Wyatt down for his nap at noon while the twins do silent reading in separate rooms.  When I come back downstairs, we read a chapter from their current chapter book (this week it's The Magic Tree House: Haunted Castle on Hallows Eve).  Then the boys watch Peter Rabbit and have some Tablet time.

During that quiet time I pay bills, make phone calls, eat my lunch, read, gather my sanity and do the dishes again.

Just before Wyatt wakes up, I try to spend some time with just the twins. We play Uno or make something yummy to eat.


By 2:30 or 3pm Wyatt's awake and we have snack.  Then it's pretty much free playtime until 5:00pm when I start dinner.  If it's nice, we play out during this time. Otherwise, we are in the playroom all afternoon playing Imaginext or Legos or what have you.  We eat dinner by 5:30pm most nights.  Then it's jammies, brush teeth, read books together and have snuggle time.  We pray and then I sing while rocking Wyatt to sleep.  By 7:15pm, I am out of there and at least the twins are asleep, if not all three of them.


After the boys are down, I get the dinner dishes done so I don't wake up to a messy kitchen. Then I can do whatever I please. Generally that is blogging or reading for pleasure.  Occasionally I will watch a show.  Then it's upstairs for bed at 9:00pm, where I do more reading & journaling in bed until it's lights out at 10:00pm.


"Enjoy the little things,
for one day you may look back,
and realize they were the big things."
-Robert Brault


Kasey said...

If I could just get to bed earlier! Is that the secret to your success? I know that many days probably don't go smoothly, but I love these kinds of posts, to see how people schedule their days.
Fun fact: My husband was one of the animators on Team UmiZumi. (The show he's working on now is Peg + Cat, and airs on PBS)
Question: Do you use whole coffee beans or ground? (No reason :))

Shelly Cunningham said...

Kasey-- my boys watched the Peg + Cat premiere for an hour yesterday and were delighted! And they ADORE UmiZumi, especially little Wyatt. That is so super cool your husband was one of the animators!
As for coffee-- I use instant. Is that awful? Most coffee drinkers cant believe that. I do have a coffee pot, though.
And yes, the key to everything I do is sleep. For instance today, I am going on two 2 hour chunks (Wyatt is sick and was up all night) and it's been a disaster of a day. I am praying for at least five hours in a row tonight. I just don't function well on so little sleep anymore.
Loved hearing from you!