

Friday Playdates

When we were home this summer, we had Friday playdates every two weeks.  

The group was a hodgepodge of moms & grandma's ranging in age from 16 to 55.

Despite our large age range we gained so much from each other.  
The talking never stopped.

From birth stories to pregnancy cravings,
sleep schedules to shopping strategies,
we shared it all.

We alternated houses, sharing toys & snacks and great conversation.

The kids would play, and us moms? 
We would talk.

In addition to twice monthly playdates, I spent two weeks of my summer living with other moms.

With Krista (who had four babies in three years) in Montana,

With my sister (who had two babies in two years) for a few days before we left, 

And with my sister-in-law (who also has three sons) camping for a few days.  

I think it is so good for momma's to be around other moms.  

My favorite conversations are ones about raising kids, 
about being a mom and about how other moms are doing it.

There is just something comforting in seeing another mom struggling with patience, surviving sleepless nights and suffering from mom guilt.  There is something heartwarming in seeing another mom  lose her patience, take a deep breath, and start her day over.  There is something internally pleasing in seeing another mom wipe a counter, wipe a spill and wipe a tear only to turn around and do all three over again with her other child.  

Being with other moms makes my everyday chaos seem normal.

It helps me realize no moms are perfect, 
but the good ones keep trying.



  1. "No moms are perfect, but the good ones keep trying" humbled my anxious heart.

  2. It is fun to see your boys so happy to be playing with their cousins. You are a good mom. Everyone has hard times, but you are working on them and trying to be better every day. That is what counts.


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