

One on One :: Jack

For Jack's one-on-one day, the two of them went to a Mariner's game in Seattle.

It was a long drive, but Josh said Jack was pretty good.

While they were gone, I took Logan & Wyatt out to lunch and during Wyatt's nap Logan and I snuggled up and watched a movie together.  It was a sweet little day for us back at home, too.

Jack enjoyed some chicken & french fries at the game,

and got to meet the Mariner's Moose, who, Jack informed us, does not talk.

I love this picture of Jack.

Josh loves baseball, and I think our boys are going to be sports lovers just like him. So it was neat that Josh took Jack to his first game.  Jack got bored for some of it, so it'll probably be a while before they go to another game, but Jack was happy for the alone time with Josh.

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