

Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy

Weekend Update:

Friday was rough. I'm not going to sugar coat it.  We'd had no sleep, the village had no power, and I had no patience.  It's days like those I realize that parenting is not for the weak of heart. 

Over the weekend we celebrated an anniversary. Not really a warm-your-heart anniversary, but an important one just the same.  Seven years ago Friday Josh was hit head on by a drunk driver. The collision totaled his car and sent him to the hospital where he had a grand mal seizure, losing the ability to drive and being forced to drop out of his classes at the local community college.  

We had only been married three years, and it was by far the most stressful thing we had been through. Friday we found ourselves feeling quite grateful that the accident was so far in our past, and Josh was alive and well.

Saturday I gave the boys haircuts & Josh took them to Saturday Social.  Their haircuts were much easier because only six weeks had passed since their last cut.  I'm hoping to keep up the every-six-weeks schedule because I just love how fresh & handsome they look.

Unfortunately, I think thanks to a lack of sleep, we're all getting a little sick.  Sore throats, runny noses and cranky kids.  It's making me grateful we were healthy for so long!  The plan for this week is lots of liquids and early bedtimes.

I was super excited this weekend because Josh put some new music on my Ipod.  A few weeks ago, I was wanting him to delete the music I didn't want on it, and somehow we lost all my music except for three albums. I had years of CD's, albums and favorite songs on there.  I am trying not to be completely heartbroken by the loss.  Replacing a few of them is definitely helping.

Sunday I got to sleep in, which was lovely.  As soon as I got up, though, I hit the ground running getting ready for another crazy week.  The boys and I cut apples so we could make apple muffins & apple cake; we did flash cards for their reading program; I cleaned the entire house, top to bottom; and I managed to cross a lot of things off my to do list so this week should be pretty manageable.

My small goals for the week are to go to bed by 9pm 
and remember to "slow down" for my peaceful parenting. 

Mostly I am ecstatic that this week has begun because tomorrow is BIGGEST LOSER!!! 


What Makes Me Happy:

This sand!!!
It has entertained my boys for hours, leaves very little mess 
& is perfect for a hands on activity.

With the transition from summer to fall, I am loving my heating blanket {thanks mom!}
& my Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin hand soap and lotion {thanks Annie!}

And lastly, I am loving my Halloween decorations {thank Julie!}
They make our house festive, cozy & beautiful!


And a little inspiration to leave you with:
"The beginning is always today."
-Mary Shelley


  1. the sand looks fun! is it kind of like moon sand?

  2. Allie, the sand is from Brookstone. If you click on the word "this" under the picture, you can find the sand on Amazon. It's amazing.

  3. Shelly I love that you put the boys to work on the apples!! They look very focused and proud! They still have the cutest hands. I miss them so much. Logan looks so handsome!
    I'm sorry that Friday was so hard. You are welcome for the heating blanket. If anyone ever needed one it was you :)
    I love the quote! And when I learned I could start my day over whenever I wanted, I felt better.


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