

Weekend Update + What Makes Me Happy

Weekend Update:

 Well, for starters, on Friday, they fixed our boiler, which means we now have heat & hot water. 
So I'm not doing this (washing my hair in the sink) anymore!

And I'm also not doing this (heating water on the stove for dishes) anymore.  I was actually excited to do dishes Saturday because it was so simple, what with the hot water coming directly out of the faucet and all!

Josh and I were both overjoyed to shower in our own house and at our leisure this weekend and this morning. 

And it was beyond satisfying to bathe the boys after six days without!


 Saturday morning the twins and I met Krista and her kiddos at the gym for some playtime, leaving Wyatt behind for some much needed one on one time with Daddy.  They met us there later, when Saturday Social started.

 Saturday night we had family movie night. Josh made pizza and we watched Monsters University. It was really cute, and the boys had a great time.  I love that time with them, snuggling on the couch & laughing together.

I also paid bills on Saturday, which, given how I've been feeling, felt like a monumental task. I was so proud of myself for doing it.

 Speaking of how I've been feeling, I am relieved to tell you that I am already feeling much better.  I am nervous that the anxiety will come back, but am trying to just enjoy the moments when I feel good.

I got a lot done this weekend around the house, in order to make Josh's absence during the week (this week is a doozy with meetings in three of the evenings) more bearable.

 I was able to get so much done because Josh took Logan with him Sunday afternoon.  They spent time in Josh's class, where Josh did homework and Logan played with his classroom Legos and on his SmartBoard.  Logan really enjoyed his one on one time with Josh, and let me tell you, two kids versus three... There's no comparison! Jack & Wyatt played so well, I was able to get the entire downstairs clean, as well as take down Halloween, and decorate for Thanksgiving!


 The weather has been windy or rainy all weekend.  And as much as I hate not getting outside with the kids, I'm grateful (and a bit shocked) that the snow hasn't settled upon us yet!

And lastly, I hate daylight savings.  I guess the light coming earlier in the morning is fine, but I hate how early it gets dark in the evenings. Last night I couldn't believe how pitch black it was at 7pm.  And aside from the adjustment to light outside, I have to adjust my children to a new wake up time, which is always a nightmare.

Hopefully by the end of the week, we will be adjusted. 
In the meantime, it's early bedtime for this mama!


What Makes Me Happy:

 Christmas Music
Josh downloaded my favorite Christmas albums for my ipod--
I have a favorite song from each album.

Mariah Carey: Merry Christmas
*All I Want For Christmas Is You
Amy Grant: Home For Christmas
*Breath of Heaven (Mary's Song)
The Home Alone Soundtrack
*Somewhere In My Memory 

And of course, it just isn't Christmas without the Transiberian Orchestra's Carol of the Bells.

The other thing that's making me happy?
Enjoying these boys.

They are the ones (along with their awesome daddy, and my mom) who got me through last week. Kids are a great distraction when you are having anxiety. Their needs are immediate.  You can't mope for too long when you have three little boys who are hungry, bored or fighting.  I am so blessed to be their mama. They are such tender boys, and I love them so much.


And a little Monday morning inspiration:
I saw this & thought it was a good reminder to myself.
Happiness is this moment.


Today's Daily Gratitude:

Challenging? Sure,
but totally worth it.

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