

Funny & Sweet

These kids have been cracking me up lately. Mostly Wyatt, whose speech far surpasses his two and a half years, and whose lisp makes the words he says even more adorable.

For example:
"This is serious, Logan!" -Wyatt

"It's not fair!" while folding his arms -Wyatt

And when he farts,  he says,
"Excuse me, farties."

And when I go to change his diaper, he always will warn if necessary,
"There's poops in there."

I've noticed some of the last "baby-ish" things the twins say, including "ack least.":
"Ack least we have that one!" -Jack

And along with story telling, Wyatt has taken to asking questions.
The conversations start like this:

Wyatt: Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure.  (He then proceeds to tell me a statement.)
Wyatt: Alligators don't bite.
Me: Yes, they do. But we don't have any alligators here, so it's okay.
Wyatt: Mom, you're cute.
Me: Aww, thank you. So are you.
Wyatt: We're cute aren't we mom?
Me: Yes. Why do you think I'm cute?
Wyatt: Because you're little.
Me: And why are you cute?
Wyatt: Umm... Because I'm big!


While Josh is gone, I let each of the big boys have special time with me.  On their night, they got to stay up with me, have  special treat and sleep in my bed. They thought it was the best thing ever.  Seeing their enthusiasm about something as simple as spending one on one time with me was heartwarming.

When Logan woke up next to me in bed Friday morning, he said, "I slept so good mommy! I think it's because you were with me!"

Jack was eating his special treat (a fun-size Hershey bar) while I was laying Wyatt down for bed.  When I came back in my room, he said to me, "I saved half, mom.  It's just for you. For letting me have special time with you."

Seriously. These guys. Heart.melting!

And one more hilarious story to close.  I started potty training Wyatt today. My bush order from Walmart came yesterday, which had his new underwear & his potty chair in it.  So I thought, "Let's do this!" So when he woke up this morning I put a t-shirt & underwear on him, and we practiced sitting on the potty many times.  He never peed, though. Instead he came to me while picking his morning snack and said, "I'm sorry, mommy. I peed on my knees in the pantry." Sure enough, he was wet, and there was a puddle in the pantry.

Later he came running out of the playroom with something in his hand, 
and he proclaimed, "I found a rock in the playroom!"

Umm... it was not a rock. 
And after that Wyatt got an extra long morning bath.

I forgot how hard potty training is. How did I do it with twins?!?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, I was laughing so much at Wyatt's first day of potty training! And those big boys are they in love with their mommy or what!?


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