

More On Identical Twins

 All my twin research lead me to some interesting statistics and information.  There is so much misunderstanding surrounding twins, and reading about it is fascinating.

How Identical Twins Form:
The blastocyst, formed after the embryo undergoes cell differentiation in the first week after conception, collapses, splitting the cells that contain the body's fundamental genetic material in half.

It is a spontaneous, random event.

Only 3 in 1,000 deliveries worldwide are identical twins.

Their fingerprints can differ due to environmental differences, 
but blood, hair & semen are genetically identical.

In fact, when Logan and Jack have children, they will be genetic half siblings.  And in a DNA test, it would be impossible to tell which of the twins was the child's father.

Only 30% of identical twins are diamniotic/dichorionic twins (with their own sacs & placentas).
And 90% of diamniotic/dichorionic twins are fraternal, which explains why so many women pregnant with di/di twins are told their twins are not identical.

Di/di twins have the lowest mortality risk at 9%, but that is still higher than singletons.

Monozygotic (identical) male twins are the most rare twin type.
Male twins are less likely to survive outside the womb as boys take longer to develop than girls.

Logan & Jack were discordant twins (twins with large size difference) which is more common in identical twins due to overperfusion of one twin and underperfusion of the other.

Overall, I would say that my research into twin types and my personal medical records have done nothing but make me grateful for Logan & Jack making it here safely.


  1. Just fascinating and these pictures!!! XOXO

  2. I find info. on identical twins so interesting! Thanks for presenting your research for us to read. Love, Aunt Barb.

  3. Shelly,
    I just watched MaryKate & Ashley on Ellen, and wanted to know if they still say they're fraternal, and although that hasn't changed, I did find out one is left handed and one is right handed. I bet when they start having children they will be more interested.

  4. Great info, you'll be glad to have all of this recorded as the boys get older and start asking questions. Ok, when their wives do. Haha!


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