

Quiz + My Weekend + Big Boy Bed

My penpal Annie over at Annery at Home posted these quiz questions. 
I thought I'd answer them for fun!

1.  How many siblings do you have? 
Three {Two brothers, One sister}

2.  What time of day works best for your prayer/alone time?
I prefer the morning, but my children are early risers... so it often falls at the end of the day.

3.  Have you endured the Winter Without End too?
Surprisingly, considering where I live, no.  
We have had nearly no snow and very mild temperatures for our climate.

4.  If you live somewhere warm, how do you feel about me visiting?
Sadly, I think you would not feel any warmer up here in the Yukon... but it would be nice to have a visitor!

5.  Do you sleep under blankets all year?  Even in the sweltering summer?
Yes. Always under blankets. Usually with socks on.

6.  Do your kids (or you) eat sugary cereal? (Or am I the only one that lets that happen?)
I live for Cap'n Crunch & Froot Loops. 
They prefer Cinnamon Toast Crunch & Cocoa Pebbles.
It's awful, but we love 'em!

7.  Do you have any food allergies in your family? What helped you best in learning to cope?
We are so, so lucky to not have any allergies.

8. What's your favorite blog post of someone else's?
The Can't Also Crisis by Kelle Hampton over at Enjoying The Small Things

9.  What's your favorite blog post of your own?
Probably The Journey.
It explains the road that lead us to life in the bush, and has pictures of our first trip out here.

10.  What would be your ideal birthday present?
A girls weekend away with all my besties.
Dark, cold Alaska November weekend spent talking, eating & shopping in Anchorage? Yes please!

11.  Would you rather be surrounded by others without a break or alone all day?
Surrounded. Completely.  Talking, noise, chaos. I miss it!

I had a busy, productive weekend.
Between Friday & Sunday I:

Finished two books (This one in a little over 24 hours... could NOT put it down!)
Cleaned the entire house (all rooms, bathrooms & the stairs)
Made two batches of tortillas
Made four loaves of bread
Made Easter M&M cookie dough for next weekend
Made chocolate chips cookies
Had family movie night
Attended Saturday Social
and took the twins for a bike ride/walk in the sunshine!!!

Then, as a result of my busy weekend (& insane reading schedule) I got an ocular migraine.  
It's a migraine centered in the eye and is pure evil.  Thankfully Josh was able to stay home,
and as the day passed, the migraine has mostly departed.

Tonight we took the side off Wyatt's crib (gulp-- insert mama tears here
and tonight he is going to bed like a big boy.
He gave up binkies & breastfeeding no problem, 
and has completely mastered potty training in less than three months.
So I'm hoping the price I paid for raising twins the first go-round 
will afford me this one last toddlerhood rite of passage--
and that this will be an easy transition as well.

*fingers crossed*

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