

The River

The river is our favorite place to be on hot days...
and since we got to Washington, it's been day after day of glorious sunshine.

We especially love when we can go there with some of our favorite people.  
{Cousins Ferris}
{Cousin Milo}
{They were panning for gold!}

{Could these two be cuter?!?}
{Love their team work}

{My sister Roxanne & her youngest Milo}

{Love that boy & his mama!}
The feeling of the sun warming my freckled skin while I read a good book beside the Washougal River is one I pull up from my memory many times during the long, dark winters in Alaska.  The river and I were overjoyed to be reunited!

Turns out Jack is brave like his mother.

We both love catching crawdads.

They made Milo a "pool".  He was tickled.

I swam out to "the rock" this particular day and the boys were so adorable, cheering and counting down my jump.  I stood there feeling so proud to be their mama.


My boys-- I love the river so much, and I love sharing that love with them.  They are all three fish, and it is so fun to watch them swim, collect rocks and jump off "the rock" just like I did as a child.

And these two, that share my love of the river? I love being there with them, too! (My mom also loves the river, but she wasn't here this day!)

{Jack, Ferris, Milo, Wyatt & Logan}

"The tans will fade,
but the memories will last forever."


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