


 For my birthday this year (since I'm in Washington!) my mom had me over for dinner with my boys & sister.  They all spoiled me with presents.  Make up & maternity tops to be specific, and I couldn't be happier!

 My boys also bought me presents-- 
Mom took them to the Dollar Tree and they got to pick out whatever their little hearts desired.

 Logan got me:
Vanilla Scent trees for the car
A novel about the creator of Girl Scouts
Aqua tank rocks for my rock collection
Super sparkly nail polish
Plus a balloon & a reusable bag

 Jack got me:
A small notebook for my purse
Black pens, cause he knows black's my favorite
A journal
Silver nail polish
A beautiful candy dish
Plus a card & a balloon

Wyatt got me:
A mirror
An eyelash curler (which he told my mom matter of factly was for my eyebrows)
A princess flashlight
Colorful pens
A reusable princess bag

Plus a Minnie Mouse Happy Birthday balloon seen here.

 I was so touched by their thoughtfulness.  

 And how incredibly well they know me.

 I am truly so blessed.

 Time for CAKE!!!

Milo's crazy hair.
Loved it!

It was a super laid back evening, with good food & great company.

My wish was simple:
A healthy arrival for Baby #4

I am so thankful for my family, this pregnancy & for these sweet boys in my life.
Yesterday really was a perfect day.
The only thing missing was my amazing man!



  1. That picture of you and the boys turned out so adorable! It was a great family party, watching you open your presents from the boys was just the best.

  2. Sending birthday wishes from across the pond and across the country. Hope your 34th trip around the sun is your most spectacular one ever! Happy birthday!!


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