

Around Here: Week 42

Relaxing... with our two new cats. I keep calling them kittens cause they are only nine months old (my sister joked that I have triplets, cause they're the same age as Carly- ha!) and they're crazy rambunctious like kittens throughout the day.  But they also take their share of sweet naps, often together, and each day I'm falling more in love.  Hands down my favorite part of having cats though is watching Carly with them.  She squeals when she sees them, or cracks up laughing.  She's not crawling yet and Josh & I agree that those cats are going to be what gets her crawling.

Reading... My Grandmother Asked Me To Tell You She's Sorry by Fredrik Backman. My favorite quote so far: "This is a grandchild's ultimate privilege: knowing that someone is on your side, always, whatever the details.  Even when you are wrong. Especially then, in fact." I'm leading the next two book club books and this is the first one.  We would love to have you along! Find us on Facebook and let's get reading!

Loving... our evenings.  Homework, dinner, baths, and bedtime stories with Dad followed by silent reading in bed for the twins... it's the stuff my childhood dreams were made of, and I feel so blessed that this is my life.

Brushing... Carly's three little teeth with her own teeny tiny toothbrush.  Her first top tooth poked through last week, joining the bottom two, and I can't wait to see what she looks like when they both come in on top.

Letting... the boys jump in the rain this weekend.  The twins loved every second, whereas Wyatt got pretty cold pretty fast and was none too impressed.

Finishing... Wyatt's treatment for his lingering cough.  Antibiotics and some nebulizer treatments for the last week and a half, and he is back to 100%. I'm so relieved!

Looking forward... to a visit from my grandparents.  A big storm prevented their visit last weekend, so I'm excited it worked out for them to come see our new house this weekend.

Watching... Season 5 of Alaska: The Last Frontier. I downloaded the Discovery Go app and watch episodes as I accomplish chores around the house (mainly baking & laundry).  I missed the show so much last year, it makes me happy to be getting caught up as Season 6 is beginning.

Making... new friends as I continue doing things with the local MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group.  This week we went to the pumpkin patch.  I am loving the connection to all kinds of moms.  What a blessing.

Tearing up... when I caught sight of Logan at morning recess (they have a free play time just before the bell rings for school) as he caught sight of Jack. He immediately left the football game he was involved in and ran, full fledge, toward his twin. When he reached him, they shoulder bumped and laughed together before running off to play together.  It made me grateful yet again that they have each other.


P.S. Thank you all so much for your kind words & encouragement from last week's Weekly Update.  My anxiety ebbs and flows (thankfully) and this week I'm feeling good.  I know that October is an historically hard month for me and I'm trying to give myself grace keeping that in mind.  

1 comment:

  1. I was seriously happy to see you all wasn't I? And to be honest, I thought I was dressing up as a sensei, that's what Ferris and Milo said anyway. Such a wonderful visit, and I am so happy to look forward to the next one!!


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