

Good Daddy

This month of Thanksgiving, I am finding myself especially grateful for Josh and the amazing Dad that he is to our kids.  Last weekend he took the twins shooting (with the bb guns they got for their birthdays) and they had so much fun. Logan said it was his Triple Best day ever cause they got to go out to eat and shoot and spend time with Josh.

Around the house, he's always willing to play a game, throw the ball around or play catch. It makes me feel so blessed and happy.  Our kids are so lucky to have him as their dad.

Not only does he participate in life with them, he also sets an amazing example, working hard everyday to provide for us.  I hope that when they grow up, they can recognize how lucky they are!

(I also have to say, it still feels surreal --and magical-- to be living together, parenting our four beautiful children side by side.  Boy I missed him last year!)

1 comment:

  1. I love you Josh! And Shelly you are a great example for appreciating him!


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