

Around Here: Week 23 {2018}

Last Day of School!

Learning... Wyatt's favorite sound in the whole world is crickets.

Giving... all the boys (+ Josh) haircuts last weekend in preparation for the last week of school.

Going... on a family bike ride for the first time.  Josh pulled Carly and I rode the bike my parents gifted me. I love it so much!  The boys had a great time and Carly did really well in her trailer.  (Plus she looks adorable in the helmet my mom bought her!)  I'll be doing a post about our bike ride soon!

Making... homemade tortillas on Sunday morning for tacos and enchiladas for dinners on Monday & Tuesday.  I was messing around with Jack and told him that I had made tortillas, but he had to have the "gross and disgusting" tortillas (store bought ones) with his taco on Monday.  I figured he'd know I was joking, but he stopped, dead in his tracks and asked, "What?!? WHY???" I burst out laughing and told him I was kidding. He said, "Oh man, you got me good, mom!"
About an hour later, he was helping clean the living room and dropped the book I was reading.  He said, "Whoops. Sorry mom! I lost your page!" I rolled my eyes and sighed, saying, "It's alright. I find it later." Then he cracked up and said, "Just kidding! That was payback for the tacos!" Hahah! Such a prankster!

Enjoying... a quick visit from Papa Carl, Ethan & Samuel this weekend. Carly was absolutely precious when Papa walked in and sat down. She ran over to him, hugging him tightly and saying, "I missed you, Papa!" Then she read books with him and showed him her jewelry, some of which he fixed for her. They just have the sweetest bond.  It melted my heart!

Taking... care of Wyatt over the weekend as he was sick with a terrible sore throat that lingered through Tuesday this week.  Luckily it was just a sore throat (with mild headache & fever) that didn't effect his breathing (hallelujah!) so my stress level stayed pretty low throughout his sickness.  He was well by Wednesday so he was able to finish out the school year strong with his teacher & class.

Talking... to my counselor about having a vice. I wanted to know if everyone has to have a vice.  My vice used to be emotional eating. But since changing our eating habits (and losing 28 pounds) I am no longer an emotional eater.  I find that I am not more likely to a) nap b) watch Netflix or c) buy books.  None of those are that terrible, but I would rather not have a vice at all!  He said that some vices are fine if they aren't interfering with our lives. So it's just important to monitor them.  We decided that when I want to do those things in excess, I should write my feelings in my journal. So that's my goal for the next two weeks until I see him again. I'm curious what feelings I'll discover in doing so.

Walking... to school each day Wednesday through Friday and loving (!!!) all the flowers that are currently blooming along my walk. So many roses and other flowers I don't know the names of.  It's like a rainbow explosion of color and I find myself overcome with gratitude for it.  Wyatt was talking about it on the way to school Thursday and he said he was so grateful God made flowers because they make the earth so much more beautiful for us. It made me tear up.

Encouraging... Carly to be brave at the dentist.  She cried in the parking lot and in the waiting room, but when it came time to have her teeth brushed and checked, she held it together. I was super proud of her.  Her reward of two Paw Patrol stickers was right up her alley (she's obsessed with Paw Patrol currently) so I'm hopeful next time there will be no tears at all!

Celebrating... our big boys' tenth birthday on June 6th.  (And getting all sentimental about it!)  They had a terrific birthday party (on their actual birthday midweek) and we really enjoyed honoring them.  They (including Wyatt, whose birthday is on the 15th) got new scooters from Nanny & Papa, and I took cookies to their classroom so they could celebrate with their fellow students, and Josh made pizza in the evening so they could celebrate with their buddies.  I think they felt super special on their big day and I'm so glad.  They really are amazing, big hearted boys, and they deserved it.

Surviving... the last week of school.  And boy was it a doozy!  So many celebrations & special days & things to remember & do! But we made it!!!

Dealing... with a grouchy girl as Carly is teething her last two 2-year molars.  She has been nearly impossible and by the time Josh got home yesterday I was about done for.  He volunteered for complete bedtime duty (God bless him!) with all four kids and I just carried on washing dishes so no one would be harmed. Ha!!!  Thankfully the dentist said these are her last teeth until she's six.

Frustrated... that Logan has had more seizures this week.  I'm beginning to wonder if this is the right medication for him.  Luckily we have a follow up appointment with his neurologist at the end of June, and at that appointment we can look at his increase in seizures and discuss where we want to go from here.

Grateful... that water is such a great distraction for little ones when they get hurt.  Carly shut her fingers in the garage door and was so, so sad.  For a minute I didn't know what to do.  Her little fingers were all dented and her cheeks were stained with tears.  Then I thought to run them under cold water.  Instantly she was cured and began laughing as she splashed about in the kitchen sink.  Pure magic.



  1. LOVE your photos this week! xoxo

  2. One of the things I'm looking forward to after baby is laying in my bed for a week and watching Netflix. We've never had a TV in our bedroom before!

  3. awesome photos this week and i love Wyatt's favorite sound. One of my favs too!

    I keep thinking about and praying for you and Logan. I keep you both in my heart all the time and appreciate your updates through the blog and instagram about how he's doing. You are the exact right momma for him and know that I have you two wrapped up in prayer and love. xxox


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