

around here: week 14 2020

Mopping... the house downstairs and loving how clean it feels when I do so. 

Working... tirelessly toward spring break, helping the boys get caught up on missing work while at the same time trying to get into our groove with online learning. We are looking forward to a week off next week very much and are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that happens!

Reading... lots of books at the same time currently, and finding that I am reading a lot more real books right now as opposed to listening to audio books. I also got to choose my Book of the Month book for April.  I chose Beach Read and am so excited to save it for this summer.
I'm planning all my April reading, which includes Sweep for book club and finishing Untamed as well.  I am hoping to read at least eight books in April, but I would be thrilled if it were more. Time will tell.
As this month wrapped up I put together my numbers for The Unread Shelf and wasn't impressed, but also wasn't too upset considering all the world has been through in the last month.
I started at 120 Unread Books.  I got rid of 2 Unread Books that I no longer wanted and read one Unread Book and purchased 4 new books. So I ended at 121 Unread Books.

Riding... bikes as a family on the daily.  It is, hands down, everyone's favorite time of day, and I'm so grateful that we can still do that one thing together.

Loving... the quote by Glennon Doyle about being human:
"Being human is not hard because you're doing it wrong, 
it's hard because you're doing it right.  
You will never change the fact that being human is hard, 
so you must change your idea that it was ever supposed to be easy."

Walking... the dog with Josh, and feeling so grateful for fresh air and time to talk to Josh without interruptions from the kids.

Talking... on the phone with Wyatt's pulmonologist for a phone appointment and discussing his use of Singulair (a medication that is used to help with asthma & allergies) after hearing that it has been linked with depression & suicide, and knowing a family friend whose son was on it and took his own life. I am grateful to say that his doctor was very understanding about my concerns and agreed that Wyatt is doing well enough currently to try and get off the Singulair.  I am anxious to see how he does off of it, and am hopeful he can do well without it since the side effects can be so serious as he ages.

Watching... the governor again.  This time he told us that he is extending Washington's "Stay home-Stay Healthy" order through May 4th.  I understand (and agree) that we need to stay quarantined longer for our health and safety, but that doesn't make it any easier to accept this new reality. 
My mom was also upset about the extension and Josh, trying to cheer her up and make her laugh, shared a meme he had read recently.  It was about a person bragging how in the last two weeks, she hadn't been late ANYWHERE. We all cracked up.

Canceling... our Direct TV subscription (it recently went up to $90 a month!) and closing the boys' old bank accounts that are at the bank in our old hometown.  Josh has been working really hard to get stuff done this week and I'm so grateful.  He put together the Scrabble letters his sister Julie made me (of our kids' names) to make them easier to hang.  In addition to that and all the phone calls he has been taking care of, he went to the grocery store and came home with both flour and wipes!!! I literally screamed when I saw them.  It feels so good to be prepared for the next few weeks. 

Grateful... for school lunches for my kids.  Our district is providing daily lunches (and the next days' breakfast) for all four of our kids.  All we have to do is pick them up at Wyatt's school each morning.  They pass the bags through our car window, minimal contact, and it's the best.  We get milk, fresh fruit and all kinds of lunches- bagels, pizza, corn dogs & chicken nuggets. It's great.

Joining... my book club girls for a Zoom meeting this month instead of our regular get together, and being surprised at how much fun it was. I was nervous it would be awkward or lame.  But we laughed and connected and I was so grateful for those ladies when our time was up.

Starting... to notice my shorter fuse with the kids and making a goal for spring break next week:  SLEEP.  I am hoping to get more sleep over break- to go to bed earlier, to sleep in longer and to nap as needed so I can be more patient.  Towards the end of this week I was having a handful of migraines and napping daily, so I know I am not getting enough sleep.  It's not ideal.
It doesn't help that Carly is really struggling with the boys being home full time.  She is not used to having to share me and her toys 24/7.  It has required a little cracking down on Josh's and my part- more time outs and following through when she tantrums or doesn't listen, and a lot of talking-to's for brothers who need to leave her alone and not bug her on purpose.

Laughing... as Carly keeps pretending to be different animals.  She crawls in the grass outside; laps up water out of her cups like a kitten; and barks when she is supposed to answer me.  Silly girl.
Also laughing as every morning I find bowls full of "anchors" from the Marshmallow Matey's (fake brand Lucky Charms) and no marshmallows to be found. 

Watching... my last episodes of Teen Mom and Call The Midwife before we lose Direct TV; and Orange Is The New Black on Hulu with Josh.  I hated the pilot, but the following episodes improved. Otherwise I'm not really watching any TV, doing lots of reading instead.

Sending... Josh and the boys to ride four wheelers this week on Friday, which gave me a break with just Carly.  It was so nice.  It gave me a chance to get caught up around here and enjoy some quiet.  I painted my nails & Carly's, which made her so happy, and we enjoyed the day, just the two of us.

Spending... Saturday watching so much TV with the kids, mostly Lego Masters, and cracking up as Carly walked in the room and watched the beginning of one episode and said, "I wish I could go there! I would SMASH all the Legos!!!"  #classiclittlesister
After our day of TV binging and snuggles, we followed up with homemade pizza, cookies & a movie for movie night.  I'm telling you, it was exactly what we needed after the last few weeks of homeschooling and online learning. It's been a LOT.
After movie night, Jack got to stay up late for his special night. He went on a walk with Josh and Grady, then hung out with me, playing games on the couch.

Grateful... that our kids are the ages they are.  I think it would be so much harder to quarantine with older or younger kids.  So much more exhausting. Those with teenagers and those with toddlers have my total sympathy.  We are able to entertain our kids with games (like Battleship lately!), bike rides and Legos.


Things that made me laugh this week:

1 comment:

  1. Shelly- I watch "Call the Midwife" on PBS. It's free!! I love it!


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