

around here: week 16 2020

Celebrating... Easter in the most low key way ever.  Yoga pants and one pound bunnies for the win, plus a "pennies & marshmallows" in the eggs Easter egg hunt for Carly.

Panicking... when Wyatt had a rash on his cheeks and his asthma acted up that same evening.  Josh had been to the grocery store that same day and I knew it was unlikely Wyatt had Coronavirus, but my anxiety was quite convincing.  Thankfully my sister was available to text and remind me to do the next right thing.  She had me give him Benadryl for his rash; check his asthma notebook for the steps to take in regards to his breathing; and promised me that it would all be okay, and that most likely he was suffering fifths disease, which was confirmed later in the week when the rash spread from his face to his torso, and kept coming and going. 
That night Josh said he would stay up with Wyatt on the couch so I could sleep seeing as my anxiety was already pretty bad.  So I went to bed, Wyatt did a nebulizer treatment with Josh and all was well.

Laughing... at Carly's epic morning hair.

Reading... It's Not Supposed To Be This Way and Sweep.  Sweep is a YA that's super sweet & compulsively readable.  I got through it super quick.  It was this month's book club pick.  It's Not Supposed To Be This Way was another good read, but more of a slow digestion, underlining on each page, and the perfect quarantine time read.  I enjoyed it. 

Crying... when we saw Josh's mom Carol this week and later that night it hit me how hard it had been to practice social distancing with her and not let her hug the kids or hug her myself!  It's such a strange, confusing time, made worse by kids who don't necessarily understand why we're doing what we're doing. "But I'm not sick anymore," Carly keeps saying because she had a cold at the beginning of quarantine, but not is 100% healthy.

Filling... our time with homeschooling, playing Lego, chalking the sidewalks outside, taking baths with fun shaving cream (thanks, Easter bunny!), eating Cheetoh's, spending afternoons in the yard together, playing with Grady, enjoying the sunshine, doing Roblox with cousins, and driving the RC Car that Josh got down from his closet for the boys to share.  They are enthralled!

Smiling... at the tiny vase I keep in the windowsill above the sink that Carly fills daily with flowers, mostly dandelion "wishies", and feeling so blessed by her.

Grooving... in our daily routine and feeling like it's all going really well & starting to almost feel normal.  Jack had a Zoom meeting with one of his classes and it put the biggest smile on his face.  My book club also decided to meet twice this month via Zoom meeting so we could feel more connected.  I am so grateful for those girls and so glad we're able to stay in contact that way.

Wearing... both my rings (my wedding ring and the anniversary ring Josh bought me for our 8th wedding anniversary) everyday since our 20th {dating} anniversary that was on April 11th.  Wearing them both reminds me that we have been through hard times together before and come out on the other side.  So I know we will get through this together as well.

Enjoying... bedtime with Carly lately.  I just love reading to her, and laying with her, and snuggling her, and how even though it's April, she chooses a Christmas song for her lullaby.  I really wish I could just freeze time. 
I am also cherishing the time I'm spending tucking the boys in after I get Carly down.  They want to talk, a lot about Coronavirus, but also about things we're reading in history, stuff they're thinking, and what they enjoyed doing that day.

That said... I am also dealing with some BIG emotions from all the kids at random times.  Carly woke up the other night, SOBBING hysterically.  I never did get out of her what was the matter. I just held her close, rocking and drying her tears, until she fell back asleep.  It was heartbreaking.  For the boys their sadness about the lockdown tends to manifest as anger, specifically anger targeted at their brothers.  It makes for some long days.

Watching... Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle and having pizza for movie night with the kids.  I liked the second (newer) Jumanji, but the first (newer) Jumanji is my favorite. It is hilarious, and the kids love it, too. 

Witnessing... Carly's pure joy when she drew her first heart, almost by accident, during school time the other day.  She was so proud of herself.  I love how independent she wants to be and how much she wants to be just like me. 
She also helped me cut apples for apple cake (the kids get apples almost daily with their school lunches and we had apples up to our eyeballs!) and helped me make the frosting, too.  She loves to have "mommy day" with me when Josh takes the boys out to the land to ride their four wheelers.  We paint our nails and whatever I'm doing, she gets to be my helper.
She really is all my dreams come true.


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