
Around Here: Week 14 2024

 {March 31st-April 6th}

Love all these kids

Cleaned the van... some of this is so random!

Loving... all my pets on Sunday morning. Sweet pups and kitties. 

Celebrating... Easter with chocolate bunnies and no religion, just how I like it. 

Taking care... of a sick Carly girl.  Poor babe is so stuffy and miserable. 

Enjoying... a day to myself while Josh took all the kids to the land to play with their cousins and help lay gravel on Grandma's driveway.  I enjoyed a nap, good food, some reading on the porch, journaling and doing my nails and some laundry. It was so lovely. (I worked really hard to complete all lesson planning and homework last week so I could truly enjoy having this week off. It was 100% worth all that work!)

Dog-sitting... for our sweet neighbor Rachael.  Her dog Rusty is just the sweetest and Carly loves him!

Doing... laundry at Rachael's since our washing machine died. So grateful for good neighbors!!!

Suffering... through a cycle of being mean to myself (it seems to accompany my cycle) and telling myself that I'm a bad mom.  Worrying that I'm ruining my kids. Thankfully only a day or two in, I recognized it was part of my hormone fluctuations and I tried hard to ignore it. 

Cleaning... out my van and laughing at some of the random things I found.  An empty slime container (???), a teaspon and one sock. Why??? 

Enjoying... fresh flowers in vases around the house- some carnations & some daisies. I just love when spring comes and I can get some fresh flowers for the table. 

Impressing... Carly by twisting my hair up with only a pencil. Haha! I adore her ability to be easily impressed.  Her brother's are less so. 

Spending... a day laying down my new family room rug (it's so colorful! I love it!) and hanging my new curtains. Our old ones were looking really rough after having them for four years and subjecting them to all the pets. I also hung some new art (adorable cat paintings from my sister) in the family room, and I love them so much! They look (to me) like George and his sister Ramona. 

Hitting... up Costco for allergy pills for myself and Josh (and getting a million other things) and it was the nicest little date for the two of us. I just love spending time with him. He's my favorite.  While in Wenatchee we also picked up the boys from a cousin sleepover. 

Getting... pranked by Carly.  She replaced our eggs with Styrofoam eggs, so when I went to crack them, they wouldn't crack. She thought this was hilarious. Gosh, I love her.

Shopping... one morning at Big Lots and enjoying perusing every aisle. Ahh, this "no school, no homework" life is where it's at! Hahah!


Sweet Memories:

My little brother Dallas

My sister Roxanne

My dad Barry, my Uncle Steve & my Grandpa Jerry

Dad & Uncle Steve

Uncle Steve & Dad

Dad & Uncle Steve

My dad & his cousins in North Dakota

Shelly, age 10

My sister

My Grandpa Jerry & his first great granddaughter, Carly May

Wyatt meeting his baby sister

My sister & her son Ferris

Carly May

Romy girl

Carly- her hair!!!

Me & my little brother Dallas

Dallas, me and my mom at Rockaway Beach, Oregon

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