
Around Here: Week 21 2024

 {May 19th-25th}

Carly's scar over her eye is healing beautifully!
Soon I don't think we'll be able to see it at all!
Feeling... loved and seen when Josh called me outside to see a rainbow. I just love that he knows me so well that he knew I would want to abandon anything I was doing at the moment to rush outside and see a beautiful rainbow. I love you, Jubilee. 

Noticing... how when Carly's hair is in a messy bun, I feel like I get a glimpse of teenage Carly.  Gah. Time is a thief. 

Subbing... for my friend Mr. Z on Monday; my student teaching mentor Ms. Betes for a few hours on Wednesday and the whole day Thursday; and  a fellow kindergarten teacher Mrs. Francisco on Friday. I love being at work. It gets me out of the house and I love the kids so much! It just continues to be so sad to be at school, though, because we are all so frustrated about the financial situation in the district and the loss of these amazing teachers and many of our futures. It's confusing, to be sure. It felt especially sad this week as I had to turn in my keys and that had a desperate sense of finality to it. Sigh. 

Grateful... that Logan did such a nice job cleaning the microwave this weekend. Now the fridge and microwave are both sparkling clean! 

Noticing... as Jack did his hair in the mirror next to me that he is so much taller than me! So I asked Logan to snap a picture and gosh... I just can't believe this man-child is my sweet baby Jack Jack.

Facing... a day off on Tuesday which was hard. I ended up blogging and reading, trying to make the most of it, but it was sad to be home knowing that next year will likely be similar. 

Attending... Wyatt's final play off game, which after an undefeated season, they lost. Oh it was so sad. Kids were crying and so disappointed. Thankfully Wyatt had fully enjoyed the season with his dad and brothers coaching and wasn't devastated by the loss. I was proud of Josh's coaching and that he bought the boys pizza and cupcakes to celebrate. So thoughtful.  I was also super proud of the twins. They showed up at every practice, every game, giving their best attitudes and support, cheering on those little boys and being role models for them. It was incredible to witness as their mother. And finally, I am so proud of Wyatt. Our little Super guy, just giving his all, cheering on his teammates and running his heart out stealing bases... gosh, what a season!

Laughing... as Carly pulled out a tooth and asked me if the "You-fairy" (meaning she knows that I am the toothfairy) was going to remember to show up and leave her some money today. Bahaha! Then, of course, the "You-fairy" forgot, so she taped her tooth on the treasure box in her room, with a note that said, "I need money, please toothfairy." Hahah! 
Lucky girl woke up to $5.

Enjoying... a rainy day at home reading and it felt so nostalgic, like my days growing up in the Pacific Northwest. 

Dealing... with bad customer service while trying to get new parts for my CPAP. Unreturned phone calls, an argumentative worker in person... geez. I was so relieved to finally have my stupid nose pillow when it was all said and done. 

Snapping... a pic of Carly and her Birknestock twin, Mrs. Cox.  These two together are a hoot. They will yell, "Twinnnn!" down the hall to each other every morning at work. Then put their cute little sandaled feet next to each other. Love it!

Facing... Carly's sound sensitivity in the classroom and in life.  She has a life skills student who joins her classroom and when he's agitated he can get incredibly loud and Carly ends up wanting to leave the classroom, and I am not okay with that. The classroom should be her safe space.  In addition to human noises (crying and screaming especially) she is really triggered by alarms: cop cars, fire sirens or smoke alarms... the poor girl is so overwhelmed (to the point of tears) when the audio input is too much. Thankfully her classroom teacher is amazing and we are working on some measures to help Carly.  

Arriving... home to a haircut in progress. Jack's best friend Ainsley was cutting his hair and while I was glad since it's gotten so raggedy, I am also nervous because Jack wants to dye it and then put stars in it. 

Baking... cookies after school Friday and enjoying some cookies & a good book on the porch. Ahh, such a lovely way to start the weekend. 

Relishing... a weekend Readathon where I read as much as humanly possible and it was heavenly.  I listened to the end of The Bright Edge of the World (which I have read before and love! It takes place at Fort Vancouver, which is where I grew up, and there's also a trip to Alaska... so it's right up my alley) and I listened to First (a book club pick about Sandra Day O'Connor. It was informative but not super fun) as well.  I also read a few chapters of Field Notes for the Wilderness and read The Smell of Other People's Houses in full, front to back. Another book about Alaska and it was so good! Then I started Greenwood, which reminds me of Damnation Spring a little bit. 

Dyeing... Jack's hair blonde blonde for him. He looks so fresh and handsome and I'm so sad he's going to put a design in it. (That said, Josh and I agree that letting him do what he wants with his hair is an easy yes since it doesn't hurt anyone. So we're letting him do it, even though we don't love it.)

Loving... the Thanksgiving feast Carly set up for her American Girl dolls.  I want to attend that meal!

Suffering... facial spasms along my jawline from the stress of everything and trying to stay in the moment as they're occurring and not borrowing trouble imagining it's from a tumor or something. #healthanxiety

Spending... most of my Saturday reading and then also running to Walmart and making pizza and cookies for the kids. Summer is coming, and I cannot wait!


On friendship ending:


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