

Around Here: Week 33 2024

 {August 11-17th}

Making... the heart wrenching decision that it was time to put George down. It was not a decision I made lightly and I had even told Josh that if he saw that it was time, he might have to tell me because I love George (and George's relationship with the twins, especially Logan) and I might not see clearly. In the end, though, it was Jack who reached out to me and let me know that it was time.  I made the appointment and Logan asked if he could please be out of town while I did it. So he and Jack headed to Wenatchee and I took George in myself. I just cried and cried leading up to it and afterward. 
Teenage boys are hard and they don't open up the way they did when they were little. So George was a safe way for Logan to snuggle, to feel love, to calm down... and I just hate that he lost that.  Of course I was sad as well (I loved George so much) but there is something about pain that your kids are experiencing that you can't fix that just guts you as a mama. Thank goodness for sweet friends- my friend Christi stopped by that night with dinner for us and flowers. So thoughtful and just above & beyond. 
I took George in to the appointment but only stayed long enough for him to have the relaxation shot. I let the vet take it from there. It was so peaceful to hold his calm body, all rigidity gone from his old bones.  Before he left, Logan took off George's collar and put George's collar on his keys.  The way that broke me- I can't even tell you. 

Registering... Wyatt for his last year of middle school.  Eighth grade. We returned his Chromebook as our district is no longer doing 1:1 technology this year and got him a yearbook. They were still adjusting and figuring out schedules up until the day before the first day, so it was quite stressful!

Continuing... to hit my goal of being outside everyday and reading everyday. I have high hopes for my book numbers at the end of this year despite being in college full time until May. 

Promising... myself that in addition to my goals of being outside and reading, that I will workout for a total of 90 minutes per week.  Ideally I would break that time up into 15 minute increments everyday except Sundays, but I am allowing for flexibility. Instead of calling it a goal, I am calling it a promise to myself because I have a tendency toward self hatred if I break or don't meet a goal. But making a promise to myself makes me want to meet that promise. For the first week, I was able to get really close to that 90 minute mark. And we are celebrating that because that's a lot more exercising than I was doing last week.  I think this week was 70 minutes.  Carly did a lot of these minutes with me, on her bike, riding ahead of me around the block. I love our outside time together. 

Attending... counseling.  This week we talked about how to feel anger (something I struggle with) and how to focus on being my healthiest self instead of being my most perfect self. 

Feeling... sad that Josh had professional development and wasn't around the whole week. I get so spoiled having him home in summer to help with kids' plans and parenting. The first few weeks of back-to-school are always really hard and I miss him. 

Skipping... book club because of a migraine and just being so sad about sweet George. We have had him since we moved here when Carly was a baby.  Almost ten years with that sweet guy and gosh how we miss him.

Sending... the twins to Wenatchee to go back-to-school shopping with my mom. It's still so surreal to me that they can drive themselves and do things like that without me. I am so grateful my mom was willing to shop with them and that I didn't have to go. It's not something I enjoy and I feel like I got a "Get out of jail free" card. haha!

Dealing... with a tiny bit of wildfire smoke this week, but looking back at other years and feeling like we had a really good summer weather wise.  We have had so much sun and very little smoke and that hasn't been the case in the past. 

Prepping... some good snacks for my crew, cutting up watermelon and peppers.

Loving... Hadley and the way she sleeps on my side of the bed. My sister said that they do that because your scent is comforting to them. Aww! I loved her help with the laundry a little less. She climbed in the basket and laid on my folded towels. Haha!

Spending... lots of this week swimming. I hate the feeling of the last weeks of summer- frantically trying to squeeze every last drop out of it.  Nonetheless that's what I'm doing.

Making... more sourdough. We are eating through every loaf. It's just getting better every time!

Playing... so many games with Carly and making a goal to play every game we have with her before fall.  We played Perfection, Yahtzee and a few others as well. Josh and I also colored with her at the kitchen table after he got off work one day. We made a list of all our games and we're highlighting them as we play. 

Watching... Parent Trap for the first time with Carly and dying when she whispered mid-movie, "I wish I had a secret twin." Haha! It was so adorable.

Reading... and finishing This Is How It Always Is on the front porch swing with Carly while she read her book. Then I started Swan Song, which is Elin Hilderbrand's last Nantucket summer novel, and I am equal parts excited and sad to read it. I am also reading a book called Granted with Carly about fairies and it is so cute! 

Cutting... Carly's hair for the school year and feeling so relieved to not have to manage her long, tangly hair anymore!

Contemplating... pros and cons of teens on social media.  I hate the comparison and the addiction of always wanting their phones... but I love getting glimpses into their lives that I wouldn't get otherwise. Case in point: Jack went to the fair with Cadence and I got to see all these adorable pictures of the two of them. 

Cleaning... and reorganizing Carly's entire room, which was massively overwhelming.  I had been avoiding it pretty much all summer, but I knew I wanted to get it in order before school started. So I asked Josh to take Carly with him to the land on Saturday to hang out with grandma while I cleaned without her help. It was an exhausting, all-go no-quit hours-long job, but it was so incredibly satisfying. She was delighted when she got home (unfortunately with a migraine) and promptly fell asleep in her fresh, clean room. 

Enjoying... Carly, as always.  This week she made a bow and arrow for her American girl doll Sammy.  It reminds me of Katniss and I love it so much. She also has been putting Sammy in pajamas at bedtime when she puts on her pajamas, and getting her dressed when she gets dressed.  She's also been big into "experiments" lately. Which essentially just means making messes. Ha! This week she kept using food dye on ice, begging me to come see. 

Sitting... on the porch during a rainstorm.  We get rain so rarely here in Moses that it often feels like a treat.  Josh, Carly and I just sat on the swing, soaking it in, metaphorically speaking. It was so lovely. 


Comparing my mom's foster pups with Piper as a puppy:

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