

Around Here: Week 36 2024

 {September 1-7th}

Subbing... in Carly's class for a few hours one day this week and it was so much fun. She loves school so it was really fun to be in her class with her. It was hard to be in the classroom because it just reminds me of what I'm missing not having my own classroom, but I also love it so much. And loving it so much is a relief because it confirms that I locked in the right career for myself. It's just not my time yet, that's all. My time will come.

Surprised... that Carly is keeping her room clean! This is the longest she's ever kept it clean. But when I cleaned and reorganized it for her this last time, I told her that now that she's in third grade, I expect a little more from her. And she's doing it! 

Noticing... that Jack is moody AF lately. Sheesh.

Cleaning... the house to start the week on Sunday. It was an ugly day with lots of arguing among all of us.  I think that some days are just like that. We ended it with some time in the pool which was just what we needed. Here's hoping that the next week, as we settle into our new routines that we all cheer up a bit.

Walking... everyday after morning drop off and meeting my walking goal for the second week in a row! It feels so very good! 

Reading... The Women by Kristin Hannah, which is so incredible (about women nurses in Vietnam) and listening to ADHD is Awesome after Josh started listening to it.  After listening to this book, we will be pursuing diagnoses for everyone in our household except me. It's pretty incredible. 

Touched... when Josh brought in a dahlia from the yard and put it in a vase for me. Aww! Thanks babe!

Wishing... I had a magic wand as Josh started suffering from a toothache this week and nothing seemed to touch the pain. Poor guy!!

Thankful... that Jack's first official girlfriend seems to be the sweetest, most adorable little thing. They went to Logan & Jack's friends' Sweet 16 this weekend and looked so great! They post the sweetest pics of each other on Instagram with songs like, "Joy of my Life" and "You Look Like You Love Me" and it just reminds me of Josh and I when we were their age. Awww! 

Driving... to dropoff looking a mess after I accidentally turned off my alarm and overslept while Wyatt was sick.  Crocs, cotton nightgown and a messy bun it is. Haha! We've all had those days, amiright?!

Cleaning... Wyatt's bedroom with his help and feeling that it was SO worth it. His and Carly's rooms tend to get the most messy and I think it's because they truly don't see their own messes (thanks, ADHD). 

Enjoying... Carly's creativity, as always.  This week she made a pirate boat (complete with a skull & crossbones on the sails).  Then her and Wyatt practiced sailing it to see how well it floated. They're just the best. 

Watching... my sister's youngest two girls for the weekend and realizing that I am old. Hahah! I slept with the girls in Carly's room and I was so tired all day everyday.  I made cookies with Daphne (she's three) while Sweet P slept at naptime (she's one) and Daphne did all the work. She even cracked the eggs! Then when Carly got home from school they painted their nails together. It was so adorable. All my kids were so good with the little girls. I feel so proud of them.  Beyond feeling old, and proud of my kids, I felt in awe of my sister. Getting all of us up and ready and out the door for school felt like a marathon.  Getting all of us fed for dinner and down at bedtime also felt like a marathon. You forget how much work having little kids is. Roxanne, you're my hero. 


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