
Around Here: Week 38 2024

 {September 15-21st}

*spot the sock?

Noticing... all the similarities between Jack and his girlfriend Cadence and Josh and myself.  They are juniors and we were juniors; they're in American Sign Language (ASL) class together and so were we; she's in choir and so was I; Jack asked her to homecoming and Josh asked me to many dances in our time during high school. Sigh. Makes me all nostalgic for the good ol' days. 

Learning... more about ADHD by following multiple accounts on Instagram and taking notes while chatting with both my personal counselor and meeting with the boys' ADHD counselor. ADHD has such a wide spectrum of behavior that none of my children's symptoms line up perfectly yet all four of them clearly display it to me. It's fascinating. 

Reading... and finishing After Annie, which I loved, and starting Everlost. I was worried I wouldn't love Everlost because it's a YA novel that just sounded a little farfetched, but I ended up really enjoying it! Essentially it's about two kids who get stuck between being dead and alive.  Really fun to read and well written, if a little more fantastical than my normal genres.

Arguing... with my high schoolers about doing what I say despite them thinking they do everything around here. (eye.roll) We had a little come to Jesus talk and guess what? It ended with them doing what I told them to do. Sigh. Everything is a battle at times.

Finding... socks all over the house and even outside. Why?!? I don't understand it!!! I swear that one day the kids will move out and I will continue to find socks everywhere!!

Walking... outside and enjoying how absolutely perfect the weather is right now!

Playing... the word game on my phone myself and with Carly. I'm honestly blown away at how good she is at it. 

Taking... Carly to the orthodontist to get her expander and bite plates put in before school one day.  She was so brave and I was so proud of her! For the next three weeks I will turn her expander two clicks each night and the roof of her mouth will grow a ton. Once those three weeks have passed, they will put a wire on her braces.

Helping... Jack make a poster to ask Cadence to homecoming.  He bought her a Jelllycat stuffed cow and the sign said, "I would be jelly if you went to hoco with somone else. HOCO with me?" That weekend they went to the game together. It was somewhat last minute, but we're learning that as the parents of teenagers, you have to be much more flexible than you have to be as parents of small children. 

Subbing... in kindergarten another day this week, and hearing rumors of a threat circulating and just thinking what a sad day and age we live in that people make threats specifically against schools. Elementary schools, no less. 

Hosting... a playdate for Carly with her little friend Addie this week and feeling happy for her to have another neighborhood friend to play with.

Making... more sourdough bread. It is just so satisfying to make and bake it. Plus it's really delicious!

Meeting... Julie for coffee at a local coffee shop and oh gosh, that chat was just what my heart needed. It was so good to catch up and spend time with her. We have been so close at different times throughout our lives, and it's nice to be back together again!

Shocked... at how big our dahlias are growing this year!! The yellow ones are bigger than Carly's head!

Having... a hard, hard day subbing.  It can be really hard, but also really good.  And the unknown aspect of it can make it really hard.  The sweet kids? The teaching? The coworkers? Good, good, good.  The challenging students? The unsupportive parents? The community members who don't appreciate what we do? Hard, hard, hard.

Preparing... for the @gocleanco challenge which will be six weeks of deep cleaning this long neglected house. It's going to be a LOT of work, but also really rewarding!

Cleaning... the kitchen for week one of the @gocleanco challenge.  I ended up getting rid of my kitchen hutch in an effort to make more room in our crowded kitchen/dining room and I also organized under the sink with these two shelves.  They fit great around my deep sink + garbage disposal and the bottom tier pulls out like a drawer. I love them!! I also organized my spice cupboard and my baking corner. It all looks so good! I can't believe I let it get this bad!

Keeping... Carly home sick (already?!?) and wishing that I could keep her healthy by sheer will alone. I have been washing the light switches and changing their sheets more; encouraging more handwashing and cleaning doorknobs... but to no avail apparently. Bummer.

Celebrating... Carly's friend Charlotte's birthday by dropping Carly at her party with her gifts and swimsuit in hand. She had the most fun at the pool party and I was so happy for her to have those happy memories with her friends. I was also happy she was well enough to attend after the cold that attacked her earlier in the week. 

Sending... Logan to Wenatchee to spend some time with my mom, sister and his cousins. He had a great time, and I was happy he had the chance to make those memories with Logan.



Jennifer Lawrence Quote:

"My heart has stretched to a capacity that I didn't know about. I include my husband in that. And then they're both just, like, out there- walking around, crossing streets. He's gonna drive one day. He's gonna be a stupid teenager and be behind the wheel of a car. And I'm just gonna be like, Good night! You know? Like, who sleeps?"

This quote was so validating for me.  Maybe it will be for you too.

Lore Pemberton Fall:

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