

baby fever

So I've come down with a bit of something...
...Could be I caught it at work where my friend Becky recently had her little bean, or where I am surrounded by adorable fall-in-love-with-me special needs kids.
...Could be I caught it from my family- my sister whose six month old is so completely edible that he takes my breath away, or my sister-in-law who also recently came down with the fever.
...Could be I caught it from my computer- that little file labeled "Logan & Jack: June 6, 2008", where I store the most precious pictures of my sons' first days on earth.
...Could be I caught it from my sons who, as they become toddlers, force me to realize they are not babies any more.

Not sure where I picked it up, but it's spreading, quickly, throughout my body. And I'm scared.

So I did a little research... And the odds are interesting.
{My baby fever doesn't bother me so much as it does my husband, who fears that we will have multiples again. So, honey, these statistics are for you!}

Chances of having fraternal twins after having identical twins:
1 in 10,000
Chances of having two sets of identical twins:
1 in 70,000
Chances of (someday) having three sets of twins:
1 in 500,000

After reading those I felt better. We would really like if our next pregnancy was one baby. The boys are beautiful, and our twin experience was a pretty good one, but doing twins having already had twins would be INSANITY! But what really scares us is the possibility of triplets. Now that would be scary!


  1. It's only fair you catch it!! I caught it from you, you know! I saw Blake holding your babies, and said... "ohhh yesss, I need to have his baby."

  2. We can come by any time you need a little bean fix. :o)


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